Thursday, May 31, 2012

Zentangle Diversity

Over the years, in our newsletters and in this blog, we have shared various ways that we and others use Zentangle. Just recently we learned of two more applications which were so diverse that they make a fascinating pair . . . if only to demonstrate the wide range of ways that others make use of the Zentangle Method.

Our first example comes from Jane MacKugler, CZT from Vermont. She and some other CZTs and tanglers got together with pen and paper piano and are having a wonderful time. Here are some pictures of their work in progress:

If we get some pictures of the final result (hint!) we'll post them here so you can see how it came out.

Our second example is from the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling. In this blog, Amanda Poggenburg talks about "Using 'Zentangles' in Recovery."

This fits nicely with the increasing amount of data that is coming in about the beneficial psychodynamics of using the Zentangle Method. "Psychodynamics" is a word we learned just yesterday from a nurse who called to tell us about how Zentangle positively affects the youth she works with who are diagnosed with various attention deficit related challenges.

We're happy to add these two examples to the amazing spectrum of uses for the Zentangle Method.

If you have other uses we might not have heard about, please let us know!

Click images for larger views.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pea-nuckle Challenge

Laura Harms' Challenge #71 is to use pea-nuckle.

Pea-nuckle is a new tangle that Molly designed and which we introduced in this newsletter. This tangle is quite flexible. In this version, I (Rick) arranged the "S's" so they radiated from the center.

Once you have those "S's" in place, completing it quickly settles into a soothing rhythm. It's easy to zone out (or is that "in"?) with this tangle.

For a tile, I used a prestrung Zendala. I did not use all the strings on this tile. I simply acknowledged the ones I wanted and tangled over the others as if they weren't there.

Please take a moment to visit Laura Harms' site to enjoy the growing collection of exquisite pea-nuckle examples.

Click image for larger view.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hallway Frame

It was time to paint our hallway. (Actually it's been time to paint our hallway for quite a while!)

But, how would we preserve Maria's lettering on the wall?

Maria grabbed a level and a T-square and drew a line around it. She told the painter to stay outside the line.

After the paint dried, it was time to grab a Sakura® IDenti™Pen and tangle a Zentangle border:

Here's a closer look:

On the other side of that stained glass window is our kitchen. The window is just above the kitchen sink. Maria didn't want to look at a wall when she did dishes, so she had an arched window cut into the wall. Then she took some stained glass classes and made that window.

After it was installed, one Mothers' Day, she lettered above it on the hallway side.

The Zentangle frame is approximately 38 x 32 inches (96 x 81 cm). Quote is by Albert Camus.

Click images for larger views.

Monday, May 7, 2012

A New Coat

We have a stool that was getting a bit worse for wear. Maria decided to give it a fresh coat of polyurethane this past weekend.

But before that, she gave it a fresh coat of tangles!

Materials used:

Click images for larger views.

Friday, May 4, 2012

More Stitchery

Sally Stratton sent us an email and some images of her Zentangle inspired quilting. They are very beautiful and we wanted to share them with you.

Here's a closer look:

And here's another one:

We enjoyed seeing her application of betweed and shattuck.

We also enjoyed Sally's comment:
Your art allows me a way to quiet my mind in the midst of life's swift moving current.  Thank you.

Thank you, Sally, for sharing your creations with everyone.


We haven't been doing as many blogs recently because, along with introducing Zendala Sets, we've been focusing on getting our book done. (No, really, we are!)

Click images for a closer look.