Monday, March 31, 2014

CBS' Sunday Morning

[Updated April 7 12:12 PM EST with new contributions.]

In this blog we share the entries that people sent to CBS' Sunday Morning program.

You can read about this adventure in this newsletter.

You can either post a link to the art and envelope you sent in the comments below or, you can email an image to and we'll add it to this blog for all to see.

In a couple weeks, we'll pick one of you at random to receive a thank you gift that we (Rick and Maria) will create for you.

We don't know where this will go, but it's a fun excuse to create some Zentangle art!

Thank you!

This will be fun.

Here are some early samples:

We'll continue to add more and more. Can't wait to see yours!

Mary K:

Barb M.

 Catherine L.

Randall T.

Laurel S. writes:

Dear Mr. Osgood and Friends,

We, myself and many others,  hope you will feature the Zentangle* method of drawing on Sunday Morning. 

I have been a fan of the show since the early days of“On the Road” with that other beloved Charles.  I am nowretired and thoroughly enjoying my experience of tangling.

Discovery of the freedom of creativity unbound has helped me experience “the zone” without suffering the angst most artists and writers must go through to get there.

My family and friends keep saying, “You did this?” Sometimes I even get treated like an artist, aka: with respect.

Happiness floats!  Zentangle* spreads.  Why not help?

and sends . . .

Gotta run for now . . . will keep updating this blog entry. LOT'S more to do!

Chris T.

Susan B.

Jackie H. writes

Last December I bought a Zentangle book and was fascinated by it.  In January this year I saw a Zentangle workshop advertised, and thought it would be a fun so I talked a friend into going with me.
In my need for creativity I have always added my own creative flair in what I have done, searching for the creative aspect of what ever I was doing, to find some fulfillment. Along the way time for artistic creativity fell by the wayside. I thought this workshop might be a good way to get drawing again and open up a little creativity.  Give myself a little meditation and quiet time.
I take time during my lunch hour to draw a little. And it has opened up a creativity that I have not found with any other medium. It is allowing me a whimsical creativity I could only envy before.
I have taken a second workshop and am very interested in becoming a certified Zentangle teacher so I can share this with as many others as possible.  But most of all it seems to provide me with an outlet that satisfies  my soul. I share my work on occasion but this work is for me. I cannot express how satisfying these little 'tiles' are. No rules, no boundaries, absolutely open. Zentangle provides sanity for me in a crazy world.
I would love to see a segment on your show about it. 
Thank you, 


Dorian E.

Barb R.

Carole L.

Looks like we may see how big a Blogger entry can be! The more I do, the more we get. Thank you all so much! OK, back to work.

Elaine G.

Sheryl L.

 Anita M.

Mimi L.

Hi R & M~
Here is my tile and note for the Z blog--ready to mail today. What a great idea! I've been a long-time viewer of 'Sunday Morning'-- recording it each week just in case I miss it. Their stories are presented with a blend of integrity and humor--a perfect venue for the two of you, and by association ALL of us--to shine!
Love you both!


Susan C.

Susan B.

Valerie R.

Christine R.

If you don't get yours mailed today, I'm sure it will still contribute to this effort if it goes out in the next few days, as all will likely not arrive at the same time exactly.

Here's some more beautiful . . . it just keeps coming!

Patti S.

Pat M.



Jane A.

Elaine D.

Adele B.

Elaine B.

Cheryl C.

Louise R.

Janet N.

Sharon M.
This was a fun project. So glad we did this.  I am finding myself learning new ways to do Zentangle.  It never fails me to be inspired. Many thanks to Rick and Maria and all the CZTs that have inspired me. 


Ginny S.


Paula E.

Julie E.

Kimberly B.

Genevieve C.

Jennifer S.

Shiryl W.

Joy T.

Dear CBS Sunday Morning --

There is an incredible experience out there waiting for those who are looking for 
a way to express themselves in art;
a way to learn focus and mindfulness;
a way to relax and find a peaceful experience in chaos;
a way to show how joyful life can be.

That is what I found when I found Zentangle.  It has changed my life through the Seminar that certified me as a CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher); through the students to whom I have taught this wonderful technique; and through many lovely fellow Tanglers that share their wisdom, experience and art.

I am so thankful for the Zentangle program that Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas have developed.  It is so much more than mere doodling.  I doodled before Zentangle.  As wonderful as that is, Zentangle is very different.  It is meditative and energizing for me.

I am going to be 82 years old this Saturday, and as a birthday gift to myself I am going to another Zentangle Seminar.  The days with Rick, Maria and their marvelous staff, plus all those eager tanglers who also attend is a truly fabulous four days.  I wish I could take CBS Sunday Morning with me.

Joy T.


Kathy B.

Ann G.

Jane M.

Linda K.

Grace M.


Kathy W.

Jane H.


Here is Sofia's note to CBS. Definitely made me cry. Thank you for giving this gift to my family.  We love you. 

Rebecca L.

Trisha B.

Kelley M.

Judy B.

Carolyn T.

Diane L.

Dear Rick and Maria,

I am loving the long picture story being created on the blog, so here is my letter (text below) and my pictures(attached).

The anticipation is a bit hard to wrestle with... :o)

Diane L., CZT

My letter:

April 1, 2014

Dear CBS Sunday Morning,

Are you looking for something new and exciting for a CBS Sunday Morning?  Something which immediately draws you in with one look, then takes a doubtful turn when described to you and then, finally blows your mind when experienced?  If so, take a look at Zentangle...the rest will follow.  

Almost nothing is what it seems in Zentangle - one paradox after another is revealed.   It is like a journey of puzzles opening one's mind, and eyes, the more one practices this mindful,  easy and remarkable art form. 
Many enthusiasts are joining in this Zentangle blitz to CBS - so I will offer a small piece of the story, a few paradoxes:
  • Zentangle looks complicated, yet one quickly realizes it is simple to do.
  • Zentangle looks like it requires great effort, yet one enjoys the relaxing, meditative effects in the first encounter.
  • Zentangles are drawn in a box (a 3-1/2 inch square paper tile), in order to teach one to draw out of the box.
  • Zentangles are taught with structured steps so students learn to abandon that structure and create their own path and patterns.
As an instructor, what has been most compelling about teaching Zentangle is how it allows students to learn traditional drawing skills in a discovery mode.  While following the step by step approach to drawing Zentangle patterns, difficult concepts like depth, contour, scale, etc. are revealed.  Students repeatedly have moments of revelation, or what I like to call "BAM" (Emeril) moments.   The most common complaint I hear from my students is:     

"All my life, I thought it was beyond my ability to draw like this. 
Now you tell me it only take these few strokes!!"

Personally, Zentangle has removed creative walls I never knew existed.  Since learning Zentangle in 2009,  I have never had so much continuous fun in my life!  I hope you will decide to bring Zentangle to your viewers on a Sunday Morning soon, and introduce the possibilities into their lives as well. 

Happy Tangling!
Diane L., Certified Zentangle Teacher

Jean K.

Tricia F.

Lisa R.

Marta D.

Kimberly C.

Sarah H.

Ana R.

Heidi H.

Paula D.

Kathy M.

Tess I.

Deb T.

Mary Ann S.

Thank you all so much for playing and for appreciating these contributions together with us!

We will randomly select one person who emailed us or linked below to receive this first test print of an original that we recently created. Although it won't be a limited edition, it is numbered "001/many" and is signed and remarked. All who emailed, even though we didn't post your contribution (we ran out of time/room) will be in the group.

Put on some tea, get comfortable and click images above for larger views and links below for more enjoyment.