Sunday, March 29, 2015

Flux and . . .

This blog post shows larger images introduced in this newsletter and announces the winners of our previous two blog posts.

First, the winners:

We had so many great comments on our last 2 blogs. Thanks to everyone for taking the time.

For the silver tray blog, "Tray Bien, Merci" our random draw of commenters picked
  • J Bee
  • Michele Taylor
  • Chriss
. . . and for the stained glass window blog "Family, Passion & Gratitude" our random draw picked
  • Mary Reichs
  • Donna Cyr
  • Ginny Styles
Please send your snail mail address to Maria at maria [at] zentangle [dot] com so we can send you your present!

Again, thanks.


And, here are larger images from our recent newsletter.


© Serragulturk |

Thanks to all for playing!

Best from us both,

Rick and Maria

Click images for larger views.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Family, Passion & Gratitude

​Over a year ago, we decided that our porch, where we spend most of our at-home time​, was in need of a bit of color. The outside door has a transom window above it that seemed ideal; not too big, not too small -- with the sun peeking through this south facing window all day long.

We have recounted the story of the Birth of Zentangle so often, that we wanted to memorialize that day, and thank the "angel" (?) whom, for lack of a better term, we credit for bringing it to us.

As we discussed this we realized we already have quite a few angels that have made their home here at 27 Prospect Street. We didn't realize how many as they arrived randomly from here and there, without fanfare, without ceremony.

There's one on the outside of the house, that I painted many years ago (a "putti") inspired by the Sistine Chapel ceiling (here seen watching another angel that visits often . . . "UPS Bob").

Verdigris cherubs watch over the opening between our living room and dining room.

There are etchings we purchased in Boston on a sidewalk sale near the Museum of Fine Arts.

One favorite, an old lithograph of beautifully colored cherubs with wings of butterflies, rather than feathers, called out to us.

And many other angel-inspired images have gathered in our home:

Rick and I designed this window with a friend who creates art in glass. His dad was a master stained glass designer and creator, and our friend grew up amidst this mastery. Coincidentally, his dad (recently passed away) was my teacher when I studied this art form (just enough to put glass in my kitchen windows) over 35 years ago.

We unveiled this window at our recent "Zentangle Christmas Party" (postponed for months by our abundance of snow!) Rick had rigged up spotlights outside. We called everyone together on the dimly lit porch and Rick, holding a dimmer switch behind his back, gradually turned on the lights.

We enjoyed sharing this unveiling with our family and friends we work with. It was the first time anyone else had seen it.

It looks nice in the day, too . . . even a cold, gray day!

There are all kinds of details that make this window personal, take your time to enlarge it and enjoy the bluest blues, the ochre-y wings and the tangly bits here and there . . . the symbolism and the craftsmanship.

What do you see in it?

Let us know in the comments and we'll forward a print (or two) of this image above to some randomly chosen commenters.


We will announce the winners randomly chosen from our previous blog and this one in our next blog.

Click images for larger views!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tray Bien, Merci!

On a recent trip through Putnam, Connecticut, a quaint town full of antique shops, Rick and I wandered dusty aisles in search of what . . . we knew not.

We were about to leave when I spotted an old (perhaps late 1800's) crystal inkwell. Looked to be a petite ladies possession, delicate yet heavy. (Can that even be?)

It was a bit more than I wanted to spend, but Rick bargained the bargainer into a palatable arrangement. Lovely!

As he was paying the gentleman, I spotted this treasure . . . an old silver-plated tea tray, 13 x 21 inches, badly worn, but begging for a chance to find a new home. For $5, I knew I had to "rescue" it!

The center of the tray was a mess, not something I wanted to put out on the dinner table right away. But its stained center offered memories of delightful patterned melodies. I knew we could easily bring it back to life, make it sing again!

After about an hour with a Sakura® IDenti™Pen, it became our newest treasure. I think it will wear pretty well without a finish over it. We'll see. And I think I prefer the idea that in a few years, I might do a different design on it.

What do you think??

AND. . . 

What interesting things have you tangled lately? Share it with us and we will (randomly) choose 3 and send some goodies your way!

Life is good.

Maria (and Rick) . . . and Bijou, too!

Please reply with some sort of name (not as anonymous) so we can distinguish your name as a winner!!

Click images for larger views.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Opus Contributions

An artistic work, 
especially one on a large scale.

In this newsletter we describe receiving these beautiful examples of tangled Zentangle Opus Tiles.

This blog post shows those tiles in a larger format for you to enjoy them more.

For more information on Zentangle Opus Tiles, see this link.

Click images for larger views.