Sunday, February 28, 2010

What's Your Pleasure?

As Rose commented while our blog was dormant:
"Can't wait till this blog is in full bloom... there are so many things I can't wait to see and discuss... so many questions and how to's that I can't seem to understand. Hopefully soon!"
Well, Rose, we're blooming and we look forward to hearing from you.
Blogging is a wonderful tool and it's time we put it to good use. We can
  • Discuss questions so everyone benefits and can join the conversation
  • Share tools and techniques for Zentangle
  • Talk about Zentangle insights, stories and metaphors
  • Post newsletter and website topics for indepth discussions
  • Post and discuss Zentangles
But you know all that.
What do you want to talk about? What are your questions, inspirations, passions, comments?

If you have a Zentangle blog, tell us and we'll add you to our blogroll.

We are learning this as we go. We invite your comments and suggestions as we explore all Blogger's neat tools, toys and settings.

Post your ideas and suggestions here or, you can email us. If you email us about our blog, please put "blog" somewhere in your subject line.

We are enthusiastically anticipating this new facet of our Zentangle adventure with you. Thank you all for making this possible and so much fun!


  1. I have enjoyed your newsletters and I'm really looking forward to following this blog.

  2. woohoo! Ditto on above! Can't wait for more inspiration!!

  3. I am signed up for the seminar in May and can't wait. Since I started Zentangling a few months ago, I've been happily sharing experiences with others. I love the potential that this holds on a personal and a communal level. It's a wonderful doorway into the right brain. Already a group of us have created a large (22x30) group Zentangle to donate to a local art auction. I am excited about the blog and look forward to the 'verbal' part of the zentangle experience.

  4. I receive your newsletter and am very happy to see you are starting a blog. I just wrote a post about your new blog, with a back to you!
    I have been zentangling on and off for a while - the newsletters are always inspiring, and I know the blog will be too! Welcome to blogland!!

  5. more tangles, please! :) I've been trying to come up with my own new ones and don't seem to be any good at it.

  6. Tangles, or doodles are so much fun and quite relaxing.A former rubber stamper,making greeting cards can definitely help in incorporating these designs. Look in newspapers and mags, if you find a design you can doodle with it. Watch the video over and over, helps a lot to learn from it. Picture coming soon.
    S. Florida-- any zentanglers out there. Sandra

  7. Hooray, hooray, hooray--the newsletters are too far apart--I want MORE, more more! I plan to attend the October seminar--am so looking forward to it.

  8. id love to see some video demos on your blog. i started tangling in november after having done my own version of doodling for a couple of years. it's been a great addition to my doodling routine, which I do each evening before I go to bed.

  9. How exciting to see you have a Zentangle Blog! When I first tried Zentangling about a year ago I had no idea how contagious it was!
    Those blog posts on my Magpie's Nest Blog continue to get lots of traffic even today.
    I've just been at it again :)
    Many thanks and I see I need to sign up for your newsletter too!

  10. Zentangles have been so good for me! I have a very high stress lifestyle, so any kind of relaxation is great. Lovin' zentagles. Lovin' life

  11. I am also attending the May workshop and am really looking forward to it. My favorite part about the whole business is its combination of having a meditating and a problem solving attitude at the same time.

  12. I am excited to see this blog. I have been tangling since Christmas and loving every minute of it. I am always thrilled to learn new zentangle things and I am hoping that this blog will be a source of information and inspiration. I would love to see lots of new tangles, and videos are especially beneficial. Thanks for taking the leap and starting this blog, I have already added it to my bookmarks and I will visit regularly!

  13. Congratulations Maria and Rick and welcome to blogland! I have enjoyed your newsletters and I'm really looking forward to following this blog. Zentangling joy from Annika ;)

  14. suedoodles, we're working on video now. We were going to do some quick YouTubes, but our video ideas kept growing (and so did our timeframe).


  15. Thanks for your warm welcome. This will be fun!

  16. My kit arrived after Christmas but it was still the best gift I received. Zentangles have opened a new world for me in my painting where I feel free to have fun and not worry about perfection. Zentangling Is perfection! Your blog will be another day brightener.

  17. PS-There is a link, on my recent post about you, showing one of my zentangles. I post about them as I do them!!

  18. This is wonderful news. I have only been doing zentangles for a few months and find such a peace of mind with them. I get so "zoned" out, if someone speaks I jump! I introduced this art to my aunt and mother and them too have become very good at this time of art. Hope see you both in October! Peace

  19. Hey Sandra! I am in south Florida, and I zentangle! I don't have a blog, and yours isn't open to view...

  20. I'm so glad you're going to start blogging! I gifted MYSELF with the kit for christmas... and LOVE it... I've been swapping tangles and have posted pics on my blog. I look forward to learning and sharing more... and I'm putting it out to the universe that I want to attend the october session...
    ...scatter joy...

  21. his looks very exciting. I have been a doodler all my life and started a blog this year with a promise to put something creative on it everyday. So far doodles have been it. I was so excited when I came across zentangles. My tribe! I must order a kit. Joan NZ

  22. I've come to the point where everything I see turns into a pattern! It's wonderful, because now I can zen even without the pen and paper. I can just imagine how I would draw the pattern. But then I'm eager, and enjoy the anticipation until I can put the pattern to paper.

    You need to set it up so we can follow your blog. I want to know immediately when you've posted, lol!

    By the way, I've been keeping track of some of the word verifications I have to type in--they'll make wonderful names for tangles.

  23. I'm already on your mailing list and am so happy you have started a blog for all of us zentanglers *smiles*

    Took a workshop several months ago at the home of a friend and have been "hooked" ever since! I like that I can take it with me wherever I go.

    I've been making zentangle-inspired jewelry this weekend. Stop by my blog when you get a chance and check it out!

  24. Ditto on everybody's great comments. I would love to see other's artwork. Maybe you can have a list of Z.-related blogs for us to hop over to. i tend to get in a rut so seeing other's work gets me unstuck! I would also enjoy discussions on people's favorite supplies to use. I always enjoy reading the letters you share!!
    I'll be adding your blog to my reader!

  25. I am so happy to see you are starting a blog and have enjoyed your newsletters so much! I have been Zentangling on and off for a couple of years and the last few months I have started doing these more than any other art, which is great - I love it!

  26. Yeah - welcome to Blogger! Please add my blog:
    to your links. I just added yours to mine. I'm still working on THE BOOK - although it should be out by your May workshop.

  27. I am so happy that you have this blog going! I'm always looking for more inspiration and fellow zentangle addicts to share it with! So glad you're here!

  28. I am so excited to see your blog getting started - one exclusively dedicated to Zentangles. I will pass the word to my Zentangling friends. Sandra and Ink Pattie - I'm in SW FL.

  29. Peggy, I've started adding links to dedicated Zentangle sites and blogs. As I get more I'll add them in.


  30. molossus,

    Done! I've added RSS feeder.

    (Great comments, subjects of a few blogs to come.)


    I keep signing my posts because I expect that soon Maria will join in and we'll use the same "handle."

  31. Congratulations! Thank you so much for coming up with such a fantastic idea! Hooray! Looking forward to all the excitement to come.

  32. Whispering Aloha to your Zentangle Blog. I go to sleep at night and Zentangle patterns dance through my closed eyes. I appear to be inner programming the Zentangle patterns that I see during the day. Or perhaps the ancestors are sending me symbolic messages that echo through my dreamtime. Mahalo for helping to make this world a better place. One Zentangle at a time.

  33. Hi Maria & Rick you have really changed my life I am all a tangle and loving it! With the ball rolling I set up a flickr page and now my own blog page What a buzz. You can add to yours if you like.
    Congratulations on your fabulous work and the enjoyment you have given.

  34. Aloha Rick and Maria,

    Energy Flows Where Attention Goes and I have to admit that my energy and focus has been on the healing art of Zentangle®. Mahalo for all that you share on your website and blog.

    I've shared some of my work on:

    Looking forward to the May CZT training. See you soon!


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