Sunday, March 28, 2010

Beautiful Day

We stopped by to see Nick and Molly this weekend. They had been creating Zentangles and we borrowed a few to share with you.

May you enjoy them as much as we are.


  1. I am completely impressed. I love them. OK, years of practice make a difference. Good to know.

  2. These are beautiful!! I am working on some tangles of Easter eggs right now- we'll see how it turns out!!:>)

  3. Great work, I especially love the last one. It's so striking and seems more geometric than the standard Zentangle. I love it!

  4. Those are incredible! I hope that one day my offerings are 1/100th as cool!

  5. I am in awe of both Nick and Molly's works. They are truly gifted in this medium!


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