Tuesday, March 23, 2010

How do you say . . .

. . . "Zentangle" in a different language?


But for folks who don't speak English, what about all those other words on our website? Well, we just added a neat translation tool from Google on most of our pages. So now you can share our site with your friends whose first language is something other than English.

What's neat about all this of course is that Zentangles themselves never need translating. Anyone from any culture, language or time in history understands patterns and the charm of letting yourself relax into making them.

And just like any language, each person has a unique tone or accent. Here's a Zentangle created by Molly Hollibaugh, CZT (and daughter!).


  1. I love this Zentangle. I think I see onion bulbs! It is so well balanced and the detail is wonderful.

  2. Actually, it's garlic!

    We grow quite a bit in our small lot's side yard. I wove a bunch of last year's crop like this.

    That woven look isn't "drawn," it's a tangle we teach. Maybe we'll put it in our newsletter.


  3. This looks so wonderful, so so very wonderful, such talent in conceiving an idea of this magnitude !! its simply so, so so, i cant even find the words !

  4. Another lovely surprise, Maria you amaze me with your super, fabulous artistic imagination. More for me to practise...thanks!


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