Sunday, March 14, 2010

Newsletter Discussion - March 14, 2010

One of our intentions for this blog is to provide a place to ask questions about and discuss our various newsletter topics. We just emailed our first newsletter since our blog began and we're looking forward to your questions and comments.  

View our March 14, 2010 newsletter here.

If you don't already receive our free newsletter, you can sign up for it here. At that link you can also read all of our earlier newsletters.


  1. Here in Pretoria South Africa you have such an enthusiastic crowd of Zentanglers, you have no idea! I would like to enquire whether it would be possible to allow us to do a correspondence course. Please give it a thought! With lots of eagerness, yours, Rina de Bruin

  2. A Correspondence course!! Yes please!! Although I understand that meeting you both and learning hands on would be part of the whole Zentangle experience. Visiting you and doing the course is on my Bucket List!

  3. Hi Rina and Shelly.

    I'll probably to a blog entry on this topic at some point.

  4. I'd like to hear more on the possibility of a correspondence or online course. I've taken a couple of other art courses online and enjoyed some success with it. Something else I'd like to hear more about - what does it take to become a CZT? I notice in the info on the seminars it states that CZT is not guaranteed however I could not find any explanation of what it takes, beyond the seminar to qualify. What are the standards to be met? hurdles? a "test"? I'd like to have enough information to do a bit of a self-assessment on whether or not I might qualify. While I would love to attend a seminar and would learn a lot - committing to a cross-country trip would be easier if I thought I had a reasonable chance to qualify as an CZT. Thanks

  5. I am with you Rose, the month cant fly past quick enough for me to get my newsletter, and of course its great checking the blog here in Australia with my coffee every morning :) A correspondence course or something would be great, I find its hard to get out of habbits formed and be free, so a bit of structured advice would be great:) thankyou so much Zentangle for the wonderful connection you are allowing us all to have.

  6. Allow me to add to the chorus about an online class. I am home-bound and could in no way travel to take your classes (Although I would dearly love to), but I would still like whatever it is that I can glean from the experience.

    I also want to thank you for putting up a new Zentangle in your blog every day. I really look forward to that. Thanks



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