Friday, April 30, 2010


We gave a Zentangle class yesterday at the New York Times center in New York City as part of the Good Experience Living (GEL) Conference.

An expected 30 people in our class quickly doubled and continued to grow. We had brought lapboards for 50 just in case. Pretty soon we were cutting those in half. We also proved in practice that you can create a Zentangle just holding your tile in your hand. If there were no more chairs to sit on, then the floor was just fine - Zentangle's version of standing room only on Broadway!

We met some amazing people and have made some wonderful new friends. Here are some quick shots to give you an idea.

We are so grateful to Mark Hurst and everyone at GEL for this wonderful opportunity.

And . . .

We're grateful for the Flying Karamazov Brothers who taught us to juggle three balls! Seriously. It was part of the conference and both Maria and I who never juggled, can now juggle three balls! Too much fun.


  1. It's like a wildfire. I love how you 'made it work'. It shows how the spirit of Zentangle spills into life situations... Just move forward with what IS, into what it can be! This story really says a lot about how many people feel Zentangle's potential. I am now even more excited about taking the certification course in May!

  2. Fantastic!!
    If you ever make it to Harrisonburg, Va to do a seminar, we'll be there!!! College town - you'd get lots of interest!!

  3. LOL! It IS catching. So glad you are spreading the word.


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