Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cross Training

Deb Phelps, CZT, sent us a link to a blog about Zentangle as cross training. It is an eloquent example of one aspect of what we intended when we created Zentangle. Here's an excerpt:
Zentangle, I have discovered, is one of the better cross training activities for my brain.

Creating a Zentangle art tile as cross training for the mind, requires investing an hour
  • Paying attention to the ceramic point on the paper,
  • Feeling the pen drag across the ridges of Italian watercolor paper,- Hearing the muffled sound of paper,
  • and watching the pen move deliberately in repetitive movements; rhythmically, hypnotically entraining the mind to this narrow focus.
 Then, for the next three days, my journal writing shifts:
  • the handwriting becomes legible,
  • the mind stays on the page,
  • the writing develops focus. (this must be the “Zen” part.)

 Less drivel fills space on the page, more material comes from the intuitive heart.
Thanks for posting that, Verlin. We look forward to seeing those shoes!
Read Verlin's entire blog post here.


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