Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I ♥ Zentangle

Margaret Bremner, CZT, from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in Canada sent us this photo of her beautiful recent Zentangle creation.
I found some interesting flecked all-hemp paper recently and had to share this with you. The heart appeared among the tangle so, of course, I had to call it "I ♥ Zentangle" :-)  !

-- Margaret

Margaret used sepia and brown inks with brown shading. Piece size is 9 x 12 inches (23 x 30.5 cm).

Thank you so much for sharing that with us and everybody here.

Click image for larger view.


  1. So much richness from just 2 colors! Awesomely beautiful, as usual, Margaret!! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Margaret! I couldn't agree more with Carole ~ this is absolutely beautiful.

  3. Margaret, this piece is just stunning!

  4. your tangles are wonderful. i love, love, love, it. i have a question for rick and maria, i love the video on "betweed", i have a suggestion for your next video. i can usually figure out how to do most of the tangles but the tangle at the very bottom of this i cannot wrap my head around. it's in the bottom right just above her signature and date and resembles rick's "paradox". how do you create those and what are they called? i would suggest them as a subject for a video creation. thanks!! lacey

  5. Hi Lacey,
    It IS Rick's Paradox, with squares.
    Glad you all enjoyed this. (I did!)

  6. Fabulous. I love the color. It really looks quite stunning.

  7. Gorgeous!!!! What is that pattern near the center with the starbursts and tiny bullseyes. (I'm so glad that tangles have names or we'd be talking like this all the time!)

  8. Sandy, that's Carole Ohl's Pina pattern that coincidentally I'm posting Saturday on

    This sepia Zentangle is stunning!

  9. I like! Love the way the Sepia works with the black in your zentangle. Haven't played with my sepia micron pen yet.

  10. NOW I CAN SEE IT!!!!! thanks so much for clearing that up for me. now i feel like a dummy! love your tangles, thanks margaret! lacey

  11. Margaret I just love your work. I really want a sepia pen now. Where can I purchase one on the internet. We don't have an art supply store in Hilo.

  12. Lois, Dick Blick seems to be a very popular mail order art supply place, although I've never (yet) used their services. There's also Curry's in Toronto.


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