Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I came in from an errand yesterday just as Maria was finishing this Zentangle.

"Do you see them?" she asked.

I marvelled at her tangleations of hollibaugh. She had transformed her hollibaugh "boards" into striped ribbons that wrapped around her strings. I went on and on about how woven (and tangled) it looked even though everything was, in Zentangle fashion, "drawn behind."

"Do you see the hearts?" she asked.

Wow! What had been invisible before was now obvious. I had been so entranced by Maria's delicious tangling of the negative space between the hearts that I totally missed their underlying structure. And these were hearts that I missed.

Is it that easy to become so entranced in my day-to-day beautiful and demanding intricacies that I can miss the very thing that holds us all together?

"Wow . . . hearts!" I said.
This Zentangle was created for Laura Harms' eighth weekly challenge. Maria combined heart strings with the simplicity of a single tangle hollibaugh and breath . . . always breath.
Click image for a larger view.


  1. @Maria: incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully full of breath and LIFE. Wow!
    @Rick: loved reading this post... made me think - deeply. Thank you.

  2. Absolutely "heartfelt" and lovely. So Special.

  3. Fascinatingly beautiful....I love the negative space and the bulging pattern makes it seem alive and healthy,strong and vibrant. I am sure that Artoo is given strength from this lovely reminder of life!

  4. Marie, what a lovely tangle! Your negative space is delightful. I wasn't sure what to call this tangle pattern so I'm glad Rick specified the Hollibaugh ribbons, they are great.

  5. This is a very special piece. So graceful around those hearts! I didn't see them either until you mentioned them.

  6. Wow! Again, I'm reminded that sometimes the most complex things are simple to do!

  7. I absolutely love it. Truly spectacular tile, Maria! I love the 3D effect of the wrap-around Hollibaugh and Rick's comments are profound. Perhaps there's another metaphor here: "It's easy to lose sight of what holds it all together." :-)

  8. Such an exquisitely beautiful response to the challenge. Both the tile and the post say all there is about love and community. Thank you!

  9. This tile is magnificent! It reminds me of "umble" on steroids. The tile feels like it has a life of it's own and is still growing. Love it, the hearts were subtle, but I did see them.
    BTW my verification word is "hapyree", must mean something LOL

  10. It's amazing, dancing hearts and so three-dimensional!

  11. I see hearts in everything: stones, pieces of potatoes in soup, holes in bread, bark on trees, and just about anything one can look at. They are everywhere in nature. Many leaves are heart shaped. I've seen heart shaped tidepools. It is part of me. I saw the hearts before the tangles.

    By the way, had you ever thought about the fact that many of these designs reflect images that are part of henna design and celtic design that have been used as tattoos? It just occurred to me yesterday.

  12. The hearts grabbed me right away. I am drawn to negative space for some reason.

    I love this Tangle. It is so intricate, yet so simple. Amazing!!

  13. Simple beautiful - 'nuff said

  14. That's gorgeous. I love the overlapping hollibaugh ribbons! I actually saw the hearts first - different brains work differently, I guess. :)

  15. Wow,wow,wow...the twists, curves and lap overs are magical! The hearts jump off the page but I suppose I was waiting for a gem! Which it is!

  16. I am totally in awe... Obviously!!!! Actually, I DID spot the hearts right away, but those ribbons are so delicious!!!! I only started this addiction last week!! and already I am hooked!! I have entered my ixorus/orb tile into the challenge this week, but I know it comes nowhere compared to this!!!

  17. The best ever !!!!!
    I didn't see the hearts til later, my sister saw them right away. I wonder what that means?

  18. I immediately saw the hearts and I was duly wow(wed?). Fabulous.

  19. Wowee. Just as I was feeling proud of my own valentine, I see this, which blows me away. It's quite spectacular. (I'm still sending you my humble one anyway.)

  20. This is gorgeous! In embroidery this use of negative space is called Assisi, one of my favourite styles.

  21. These are SOME Hearts! I want to know how you did that! It is wonderful.

  22. Rick, you and Maria never cease to amaze me. This post is the perfect example of your amazing way with words when describing the underlying themes for why we create zentangles and Maria's stunning execution of the practice of zentangle. Thank you for changing my life in such a positive way.


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