Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Challenge #18 from Laura Harms, CZT, is EGGZZZZellent!

Maria writes:

Zeggtangle (is that Zentangle with a cold???   bad yolk...)

In anticipation of all that Spring brings, here are a few eggcellent eggzamples of what one can do with a bit of zenthusiasm . . .  (OK, I promise, no more bad jokes.)
The first is my entry in the Diva's challenge #18.  I wanted the egg to appear and disappear at the same time . . . just for fun. The background of the egg shape is done in the Wm Morris style we showed on our blog a few weeks ago. By blackening in the background, then going back in with a white Sakura Gelly Roll pen . . . just filling in with delightful little deliberate dots of white to lighten the heaviness of the black, but really, because it's so much fun to do.
 These real eggs were done a few years back by Molly, Jean Moroski, CZT, and me. We used Microns, but you must be careful not to smudge them as they take a while to dry (unlike the same pen on paper).

We feel honored to have received this beautiful Easter Card in the mail yesterday from Mickey and Howard Weitsen, both CZTs from beautiful New Orleans. (Mickey drew the egg.) Thanks guys for sending this. 

Click images for larger views.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Eggs are so wondrously symbolic. I see fun, beautiful outreaching, communal beginnings in your tile. And love the tangled eggs sitting by the yard creature:)

  3. I love those tangled eggs! And I think your bad yolks are meggnificent!

  4. thanks!

    the eggs are lovely - i hope to tangle some this week...

  5. Great eggs... all of them. So fun to read a humorous post from Maria! She's usually the "straight-man" for the dynamic duo!! (I think Rick is rubbing off on her........) lol

    (... and Mickey and Howard, your egg is fabulous!)

    ~ Happy Easter
    ~ Happy Passover
    ~ Happy Spring

  6. I can always use an eggcellent bad yolk for a giggle....*G*

  7. Thank you all, this is way TOO much fun. Just as it should be. (Am I really not too funny???......hmmm.. I'll have to ask Ricky) m

  8. Egg puns you say? Chegg out this blog post by my daughter Chloe. She shares an e-mail eggschange among herself , her good friend Brian, and a few other good eggs:

  9. Those are so pretty! I made an egg before:


  10. Ooooh... the first one is really cool!

  11. All of the eggs are a beautiful feast for the eyes! Thanks for sharing all of them.

  12. Eggz unwrapped, looks like dark chocolate in there.. my favourite!


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