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Monday, April 11, 2011

Mooka Magic

In our recent mooka YouTube, we said we were looking forward to seeing your mooka creations. Well, with the help of Laura Harms' weekly challenge, we've been able to do just that!

If you haven't seen it already, please take a moment and click through to Laura's slide show.

Laura writes:
This is the most beautiful, not to mention BIGGEST, slideshow to date... i spent a good chunk of last night visiting everyone's blogs and gathering images... as late i laid my head to rest last night, visions of Mookas danced in my head. i kid you not. What a lovely dream. 

You can also go to picassa's mosaic page of these slideshow images. There you can click on individual mooka Zentangles and Zentangle creations to see them at full size . . . like this one.

Our gratitude goes out to Laura and everyone who contributed. Thank you!



i am the diva said...

my pleasure... and i really DID have a dream that i was running around in all kinds of mookas... it was pretty neat.

Kit @ Dreamscribe said...

A mobius dream, Laura! Our little group of tanglers played with Mooka on the weekend (and more tomorrow, I'm sure). So many have said what a wonderfully "free" and "flowing" tangle it is... and what a pleasure to draw. And it really is (a pleasure to draw)... not just meditative, but almost hypnotic in it's ability to move my pen where it will. Thank you for the Mooka challenge, Laura! And for Mooka Magic, Maria & Rick!