Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Sweet Mooka 16

Laura Harms, CZT, aka The Diva celebrates her 16th Challenge with mooka.

Here's Maria's contribution:

We've been playing around recently with white (Sakura Gelly Roll) on black. Here's a mooka sample:

Maria writes:
How exciting it is to watch everyone's mooka moments! We enjoy watching these wonderful tangleations appear . . . and other tangles that are emerging from this "pod" approach. Thanks, Diva, for this fun forum!

Since we're on a mooka theme here, I have to share two more examples with you.

Maria is testing a new gold-leaf for a large proclamation she's working on. I found this one on my computer this morning:

And, suitable for filing under headings of "No Surface is Safe" and "Fearless," here's a look at the top of Maria's Mac Air:

On her Mac, Maria used a black Sakura Pigma Graphic 1, an 05 brown and pencil. (No guarantees or recommendations implied, but it hasn't rubbed off yet!)

Learn more about mooka at this newsletter, blog entry and YouTube.

Click images for larger views.


  1. I LOVE the Mooka! This is my favorite pattern so far! I love your imagination. I'm a huge fan of all your work!!!

  2. Oh my gosh... you tangled your Mac!! Keep us posted on how long it lasts!

  3. I ♥ that "R" Maria! =)
    Of course, now my dearest will want a "J" - but I predict that my illuminated letters will be taking a turn for Mookaliciousness.

    Re the Mac... I've just discovered Sakura's Microperm pens (I got a set - an 01, 03 and 05 - same sizes as the Pigma Microns). They write beautifully on glossy surfaces (I've tried sticky tape, ceramic, shiny plastic and gloss paper so far - all with wonderful success; and permanence... to date). I'll keep you posted! =)

  4. Mooka is a gorgeous tangle. Just love it. I know for sure I'm going to use it more often. There are just so many ways you can use it. Thank you for sharing this Super Tangle!!!
    Greetings from a huge fan!!!

  5. Thank you for the "mooka" it is dancing its way across the tangle world with a finesse that makes me smile!

  6. The Mooka is so cute. I'm also an instant fan of the mooka.

    Maria? I have one question about your mooka zentangle with the black background and white ink. Did you paint an entire tile with black ink or did you buy high quality WC paper already in black?

    I love it!

  7. You're right, Rick! No surface is safe from Zentangle. (Wished these bad kids that lives in the large cities knew Zentangle and drew that instead of writing graffitti).
    You know what will be cute!? Purchasing some cotton underwear and drawing zentangles on them! No one else will see them but you when you get dressed.

  8. Hi MAria, the first one really looks like a work from Mucha! A-Ma-Zing!!! Or is it A-Ma-Zen???

  9. The white on black is great. Thanks for introducing this new tangle, it's so much fun to draw.

  10. The black tile is a new paper we are testing. Much like the texture of Fabriano paper we use for our regular tiles. very fun. maria

  11. Thank you for helping us to grow in our approach to the Zentangle process.
    You keep opening up new paths for us to explore. You certainly know how to enchant. Rick and Maria you are my inspiration. Mahalo

  12. Magical twists and turns, Mooka is my new favourite too! Thank you thank you!!

  13. I am very new to this wonderful art form - last night my dh ordered the kit for my birthday later in the month and I simply cannot wait! I can only find one teacher in the UK in Scotland, but I plan on doing my bit and showing as many people as possible about Zentangles. For someone who always want to be 'an artist' and who finds drawing very difficult, I have just completed my first ZIA and I am delighted that I can show it off to people without feeling like a total numpty at my lack of drawing skills! Thanks for all the hard work you do bringing this to the public.
    Best wishes
    Rosie Graham.

  14. This pattern is so easy to become proficient with and it is incredibly beautiful. I am very happy with the tiles I have created with Mooka. Wow, you guys rock. Keep up the great work. Love it!

  15. LOVE the look of white on black! I hope you'll have some of that paper to share at the certification in May... I am so looking forward to my Zentangle retreat!

  16. You should do a tangle pattern that honors Georgia O'Keeffe. That would be wonderful. I look forward to your creativity. Big fan of O'Keeffe's work.

  17. OhMyGoodness! AWESOME!!! And welcome to the twit-o-sphere!

  18. Love your tangle!! Love the white on black. I am so pleased to be a part of this movement you started with Zentangle. Life changing and just down right fun. CZT#4

  19. Oh you have created the patterns of dancing faeries so light and soft and organic wonderful. Wish my Sakura worked as well as yours looks fabulous as white on black. XOXO Zoe

  20. Oooh, I like the black one! So pretty!


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