Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Denim Tangles

Eight years ago, Maria and I went to visit my aunt in Maine. We went to the beach. It was cool and Maria was wearing jeans. She tangled them as we sat on a bench overlooking the surf.

Maria put those same jeans on today and even though the tangles have faded a bit, they still look great!

Materials used:
  • Sakura® Black Pigma Micron 01
  • Denim
  • Ocean air

Click images for larger views.


  1. I used to do this in high school. on my jeans, my mom would get so angry when I'd go to school with new pristine blue jeans, and come home with them decorated all the way down the right leg. Kids at school thought it was cool. So I kept doing it... kids started asking me to doodle their jeans too. so I'd sit out at lunch and draw on people's legs in exchange for coffee... fun times.

  2. Barbara Wells, CZT #4July 6, 2011 at 12:06 PM

    Will have to share this with my granddaughter Haley (11 yrs old). She was here for a weekend recently and when she arrived couldn't wait to show me the "back" of her jeans. On the back pockets she had drawn as well as written the words "Going to Gramma's!" When she discovers she can "tangle" the jeans - she will have a blast!! Love the idea. Am going to try it myself!!!

  3. Wow! And the jeans still fit!! Very impressive, Ms. Maria!

    I think I have all the materials except the 'ocean air'. When will you be getting some in stock???

  4. That's so neat... I think I want to try!

  5. Sending you a warm tropical breeze ~ and Whispers of Aloha

  6. Echo M - love your thinking! You must be just like me: will work for coffee!!

    Love the jeans Maria - gorgeous inside and out!

  7. I bought my 1st pair of jeans when I was 17 (39 years) ago)they have embroided rainbows and stars on the legs. They don't fit anymore but are tucked away up in the top cupboard, my grandaughter will have a laugh, she loves rainbows!

  8. What could be better than tangled jeans?


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