Friday, August 5, 2011


Maria was playing around with more "bordering" yesterday. She was just about to put a picture in this Zentangle tile. I suggested we post it as it is. It's so bright and open to endless possible images.

This is a lighthearted reminder that we each get to pick what goes into that space to focus on.

We're focusing on what we want more of . . . the wonderful people that Zentangle attracts, the wonderful feedback we receive, and how grateful we are to have met so many of you.

Thank you.

Rick and Maria

Click image for larger view of possibilities.


  1. Beautiful frame and beautiful thoughts! Thanks to you both!

  2. Here's to open spaces and the gifts they allow! Thank you both!

  3. Love it - have a planned a section on borders in today's class - will be great to share these last posts with them as well - Thanks for the perfect timing!

  4. Oh! Oh oh oh!
    Open. Orderly. One-derful!

  5. It looks like a mirror is already in it.

  6. Energy Flows Where Attention Goes ~
    Attention Goes Where Energy Flows ~ Thanks for the reminder to focus on what we want and not on what we don't want.

  7. wow what a creation! absolutely lovely work

  8. So beautiful, Maria! So full of endless possibilities. A window on the soul. Thank you and thank you, Rick for your support and love. I feel quietly and silently enveloped in the love of my tangle family. Just a comment to say You Are Special and Dear Friends. Big hugs, Kit

  9. Oh, this is so beautiful. And, I love what you've written about it. this is such an inspirational group.

  10. Beautiful post, beautiful tile, and from two beautiful people who have created such a loving community of people! I can't thank you both enough for everything you do.

  11. It is vintage treasure. It looks like a mirror is already in it. Those pearl design is so marvelous. It is really beautiful frame and beautiful thoughts you shared.

  12. In this border any type of photograph will looks attractive. I done same it in rainbow colours.

  13. Black and white also those pearl background seems as a vintage pearl border. And those black decoration is totally new for me. It also known as a freelance.


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