Friday, September 9, 2011

Paradox Challenge

Laura Harms' Challenge #38 is all about paradox or as she playfully calls it, "Better than a Pair of Ducks."

I had to come out to play for this challenge! After all, this tangle is also called Rick's paradox. When I came up with this tangle, as far as I can remember, I hadn't seen it elsewhere. Since then we've learned that it is a quilting technique from at least as early as the 1950s.

We named this tangle "paradox" because by only using straight lines, you automatically create spiraling curves.

After I admired the many Zentangle paradox creations posted on Laura's blog, I considered different strings for my tile. Then I noticed the background design on her site . . .

. . .  and chose that for my string or more precisely my paradox structure, since I created it in pen. I had already explored creating a two sided paradox. This would be a great opportunity to play with that form.

This was interestingly different because it uses mostly curved lines. The lines in the two-sided shape had to remain curved. However, in the four-sided shape I eased into straight lines after about four cycles.

I also broke one of my own "rules" and used a mechanical aid for my original circles. Everything after that was free hand. In this partially completed view you can see some of those initial lines.

I left a couple shapes undone to add interest and to show what shapes were used. I used a Sakura® Pigma® Micron 005 black pen throughout.

This experiment resulted in a beautiful tesselation. Notice how that single calla lily shape repeats itself and fits with itself to cover the surface.

Thanks for this challenge, Laura. I wonder if there is a "Pair of Ducks" swimming around this pair o' . . .


Click images for larger view.


  1. Thanks, Rick. Para-docks is already my favorite tangle, now even more so. I had just included one with slightly curved lines on a switchplate cover...thinking I was breaking the rules.

    I'm eyeing my light-colored walking shoes now....

  2. Rick, very cool tesselation and interpretation. I love the way you used Laura's background design to inspire your string.

  3. Luscious!!! Love the lily shape that emerged. Wow, once again it blows me away how 'just a bunch of lines' can make such a dance. I was doing my challenge this morning in a restaurant. As the waitress watched, she caught on really fast that "all you're doing is turning the tile and making a!" It's a never ending joy:) Thanks.

  4. Carole, I love the feel of Paradox as a line dance. It has become my favorite tangle ~ thanks Rick for creating new moves.

  5. Thanks for Paradox. It's so much fun. And, thanks for teaching us a new word today. I can wait to try out tesselation on my husband. LOL

  6. Rick, I am glad you came out to play, your tile actually reminds me of a pod of stringrays nudging each other. Thanks for the beautifully shaped string idea.

  7. Wow, Rick. I just did a paradox using a very similar string. Looks nothing like yours though! Very nice work. I have trouble keeping the distance between the lines so precise as you do. It really makes the patterns pop when the lines are so perfect.

  8. Such fun - the two sided paradox is such a different look - can't wait to try it out - thanks for continuing to explore and inspire us.

  9. Chris,

    It's easier for me to keep that distance consistent by starting my line at the "wide" end and drawing it toward me toward the "narrow" end where the lines merge. This way, I can choose my line separation ahead of time and not have to depend on my "aim." Also, if your aim is off while drawing towards the merging end, it's not as noticeable.

    That's what works for me anyways. YMMV.

    - Rick

  10. I love what you've done here :) The two-sided shape is something I hadn't considered - I will definitely be trying this (in that shape, I often default to betweed... another of my favourites!).
    Thanks for the great idea!

  11. I have tried the two sided shape and just cannot get it to look right. Please what is the secret


  13. Great take on the challenge, but we shouldn't be surprised since you came up with the original tangle. It's one of my faves!

  14. Wow! How did I miss this post?!? This is really gorgeous. I love what happens to Paradox with curvy lines.


  15. Wow! I have been looking for directions for this beautiful tangle. And while you have beautiful illustrations. I can not figure out where you start and how you develop the curves in the tangle itself. I understand you work with the circle patterns, but I can't see how you move into a different circle with that particular group of curing lines. PLEASE, PLEASE help!!!!!! I see so many of these and have helplessly tried to draw it. Any way you could draw out a more detailed instruction on where to start and how to finish one chain & continue onto the next????? LOVE YOUR TANGLES. Sincerely, your admirer, Donna ;))

  16. Wow! I have been looking for directions for this beautiful tangle. And while you have beautiful illustrations. I can not figure out where you start and how you develop the curves in the tangle itself. I understand you work with the circle patterns, but I can't see how you move into a different circle with that particular group of curing lines. PLEASE, PLEASE help!!!!!! I see so many of these and have helplessly tried to draw it. Any way you could draw out a more detailed instruction on where to start and how to finish one chain & continue onto the next????? LOVE YOUR TANGLES. Sincerely, your admirer, Donna ;))

  17. Hi Donna, I am not sure whether this helps you or not but Maria and Rick show you step by step instructions on their blog

    Take care

  18. Love how you developed Paradox onto a classic "Orange Peel" quilt design. Very nice!

  19. This is beautiful and very confusing! I have found instructions on how to do a three sided and four sided paradox but how do you do a two sided one? Some instructions on how to do this would be very much appreciated.


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