Saturday, March 10, 2012

Back Pocket

One of our (local) fabulous CZTs stopped by yesterday morning. She is working with teachers to use Zentangle to help students relax and focus before taking tests.

One of the many profound stories she relayed was that students she had worked with were comforted merely knowing they had Zentangle to fall back on, to "have in their back pocket" when things went awry.

We've heard many stories about how comforting creating a Zentangle tile can be.  For these students, just knowing it was there was a comfort, too.

Very cool!

Click image to see larger version of the tile Maria created in celebration of this story.


  1. www.tangledtranquility.comMarch 10, 2012 at 4:30 PM

    My 10 year old grandson started using Zentangle this way. His teacher and classmates were so fascinated that I came in to teach the entire class about Zentangle.

  2. Love this tile...and all its juicy morsels.

  3. thanks, Carole! it was a fun one. I wanted the tiles to come alive and start dancing, like the brooms in Fantasia. m

  4. Great tile. Love the technique... but I can't quite figure it out. Mysteriously creative!

  5. Zentangles remain a very reliable stress reliever. I can't imagine life without them!

  6. Love your tiles within a tile. Great perspective!
    I'm looking forward to sharing the Zentangle method with 5th grade art students later this month.

  7. First, LOVE that tile!!! Brilliant idea! Why don't I think of these things??? Very glad someone with a generous spirit does!

    Stress reliever, you bet. Since October we've moved, had two deaths in the family and a health issue, and my husband is trying to get a new business off the ground - all major stressors. Maybe that's why I'm doing so much tangling these day! Besides the fact that I just love it.

  8. Maria your tile reminds me of your gorgeous puzzle coasters! We love them.

  9. Thanks, Shelly, I am loving your BIG tangles.....continue to grow. It suits you! m

  10. Magical! Like a cute little mouse is hiding in each scroll just waiting for you to leave so it can come out and play.....

  11. Great fun you did here. Thanks for giving this post. I like this image and header is also attractive to any one.

  12. LOVE this tile! One of the most imaginative tiles I've seen! I too carry at least my pens with me to work. Tangling even on scrap paper at break time is a fabulous stress reliever!

  13. Very creative tile. However, since this post was titled "Back Pocket", I expected it to be a tangled back pocket. Wouldn't that be a great idea to literally have a tangle ON your back pocket as well as "in your back pocket".


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