Monday, October 22, 2012

Get Flord!

Maria writes: 

It's one of the first things I see every morning. It attracts my eye when we are out and about. It's primitive, yet elegant. It was one of our first tangles and has stood the test of time, never going out of style.

It's florz, one of the tangles we teach on our DVD in our Zentangle Kit.

Sometimes it's good to get back in touch with basic tangles, And once you've got in touch; it's also fun to explore variations of that tangle. 

Let's revisit florz and explore some variations. Take this as an opportunity to challenge yourself in your daily (right? :-) Zentangle practice.

In your first effort, focus in on that original tangle, making those dark shapes into a really elegant, beautiful, dramatic image.

Now, let's explore a few variation ideas.

What other variations can you imagine?

So, when someone asks how you are, say, "I'm just 'flord' today!". . . and show them why!


- M

Click images for larger views.


  1. Hi Maria & Rick, thank you so much for reminding us of the joy and simplicity of one of the most basic tangles. It is so easy to repeat a tangle without thinking about varying it. This will definitely be todays task for me.

    happy in my tangled world
    Liane Worth CZT8

  2. Oh Maria with a little twist, a small nudge and a subtle touch of shading you make marvellous magic!

  3. I like how your imagination works when you do a variation of any tangle. I always teach Florz at a beginner class and now you gave me a few idea's. I will see what I come up with. Thank you for the back to basic reminder.

  4. Amazing how much can be done with the simplest tangles. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Hi Maria and Rick - what a great set of variations on a relatively simple tangle! Just great. The shading really makes a difference too. This isn't a tangle I've tried before, so it's going in my journal as a "definitely useful" addition!

    Thanks for the inspiration, and all the pleasure we get from this incredible art form.


  6. These are beautiful. Love them all. You truly have magic fingers.


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