Sunday, December 7, 2014

Amsterdam - Day 2 of . . . .

Our tour of Amsterdam was not only the grand museums, but romantic walks that one only dares to dream about.

You read of such walks in novels. And you think . . . nah, it could never happen in our life like that. Well. The beauty is there to behold. Everywhere you look. The heart-to-heart exchanges as you walk arm in arm, are timeless. You don't gossip. You don't talk about work. You don't even talk about the worrisome baggage we all seem to carry. You just see. Marvel. Notice for the first time. Feel so lucky to be where you are, at that moment. You meander with no destination in mind, taking in the wonder of each tiny detail that you would never notice at another time.

We saw (thousands!) of bicyclists, going about their daily rituals, with children in tow.

You could imagine what it would be like as a child, "en plein air" with careless breezes through your hair and the comfort of your parent behind you, on your way to the day ahead.

Rick was in that state of exuberance, stopping every few feet and chronicling that moment in vivid color as only he can.

(I am a bit partial here, as I think his photos are extraordinary). : )

The fairytale-esque architecture,

the fabulous fashions from around the world, stained glass, time-worn ceramic tiles

and building facades,

architectural details,

as well as the manhole covers, shadows, patterns and reflections on (and off) the floors and walls,


scooter seats, (shades of 'n Zeppel)

and trolley wires, (inviting 'n Zeppel)

the luscious food on our plates (!),

store displays,


all contributed to a never-ending portfolio of yet unrealized tangles and reminders of familiar ones.

My little leather journal was alive with images sparking tiles I had not planned. Sketches of borders, floral patterns, carved corners, etched glass abound.

The tangles, as if breathing life onto the folios in my hands, seemed to grow in spite of me. This, as you all know, is just what tangling can do to a person.

The very act of tangling, brings to me whatever I seem to need at the time. . . be it calm, excitement, focus, happiness, gratitude, passion.

What do you experience when YOU tangle?


Since we've been SO preoccupied with our fall seminars and the roll-out of our new website, we'll send our promised "something special" to five (instead of one) of you who took your time to contribute to that blog post's comments.

Each of the following will receive a set of our new Opus tiles. Just email your snail mail address to and we'll get those out right away!

And the "winners" are:

Peg Stueber
Diane Wright
Art Lady Kate
Judy Holzschuh

We also invite your comments to this blog post and will send a randomly chosen commenter a gift in appreciation (perhaps not after so long a wait this time!)

Thanks so much!



  1. Amazingly good photos! Now I want to go to Amsterdam. Thanks!

  2. Maria, even after 5 years of tangling, I am still amazed and say "Did I really do that!" Thank you!

  3. thanks, Shelly

    I feel the same way!


  4. Someday I hope to get to Amsterdam too - Your wonderful pictures have inspired me. Now I'm curious to see what new tangles will be inspired by this trip!

  5. To see Amsterdam through the eyes and perspective of both of you makes every corner a new adventure! Thank you for sharing your wondful photos and ideas!

  6. I can kinda sum up my feeling when I tangle as 'quiet excitement' both quietened by the action of concentrated strokes, with a veil of excitement over will it turn out, they are all wonderful in some way, what will this one say and so much more! February 12th 2012 was my first tangle, which I kept and to which I still give a little kiss of approval, for it was the very best I could do on that day, which is the most important thing to remember!

  7. Thanks for sharing your trip. Loved tagging along!
    Cathrine czt12

  8. I too love Rick's photography - especially the one where the "castle" is reflected in the circular pond. Almost two years since I discovered you and your Zentangle - a day is not complete without a tangle or two.

  9. I really love your Amsterdam series. I am from the Netherlands and visited Amsterdam just last week, there is so much to see and such amazing details in all the different buildings. When I see your pictures I notice that I have to go back to Amsterdam soon because I haven't seen all the beauty! I missed some spots...

  10. A very warm welcome to Holland, or the Netherlands :-) Amsterdam is amazing, I know, 'cause I live in Holland. People from all around come to Amsterdam to admire the wonderful city. So nice to read you two had a wonderful time. What is tangling to me: well it is an artform that keeps me fascinated. Most of the time after a while I (think) know the ins and outs of an artform (working with a certain material) but tangling keeps me occupied, its a never ending journey of possibilities which makes me happy and activates my creativity. And I enjoy helping others out with their 'trouble' patterns by making video's for them and post them. Not sure if you are already back in the States, if not, enjoy your visit to Amsterdam. Feel free to visit Groningen (nearby my hometown) too, its a lovely city too with lots of nice shops to visit.

  11. Fabulous photos. There are so many patterns in our world that people walk right past. Tangling (and doing calligraphy/illumination) awaken us to them. When I tangle, or draw, or paint, there's nothing else but what's in front of me. It becomes its own world. I don't know what I feel because I'm just in "that space". It's strange how it operates on intellectual and instinctual levels at the same time.

  12. What a wonderful post. The joy of discovery in a new country is wonderful. Glad you shared the experience.

  13. Thank you for sharing those beautiful memories and photos. Wonderful post!

  14. Stunning photos of a beautiful and inspiring place and lovely words to go with the images. I have no doubt that you enjoyed Amsterdam very much and you've made me want to go there too.

  15. Interesting post on an interesting city... now I really want to take a Zentangle class! Have been watching things and trying to convince myself that I do not have time ...

  16. What a beautiful post in every sense of the word. I can feel the calm, romantic, wandering magic of your travels.

    All the best wishes to both of you at this holiday season and always.

  17. My family gets so mad at me because my holiday photos albums are filled with pictures of architectural details, drain covers, doorways....Your post was a lovely reminder of my times in Amsterdam, but it was also a welcome validation of my inner vision. I can be proud of my pictures and the creative urges that guide me - never felt that way before! Thank you for that, and for Zentangle which has given me so much more than I can express! Hugs and Love to my Awesome Guiders!

  18. On a recent trip to Greece, I took more pictures of the architectural patterns than anything else! Just like your pics from your Amsterdam trip, I can't wait to try them all out.

  19. Thank you for sharing your trip!

  20. I love all the designs that have been around forever yet we are just now really observing them in a new light! Patterns, patterns everywhere, on the window, in your hair! Thanks for sharing with us

    Terri, CZT 16
    Waiting for the glue to dry

  21. I have learned from Zentangle to slow down and "see." Thank you. Your trip looks wonderful.

  22. Such beautiful patterns! I've noticed potential tangles in the things around me, even a floor mat (it was a pretty floor mat!) It's so interesting how zentangle opens up our eyes to the wonders around us!

  23. I enjoyed your trip vicariously through your eyes. Am appreciating the validation of not being weird to want to capture patterns, and light playing on surfaces. Becoming a CZT is on my bucket list, but I am having lots of fun learning from the entire Zentangle community in the meantime.

  24. This reminds me of a sabbatical trip I took to S. America. I didn't yet know how to tangle, but other mindfulness practices connected me to the same sense of wonder, joy, and aliveness. When I tangle now, I mostly feel a sense of letting go and a deep content in just going with the flow and enjoying what is.

  25. I love to see photos of people's trips and your words make one feel as if we are there taking that walk! Rick's photography is really special as he captures all the little beautiful things that others miss. I love the photo of the flower vase and the shadows on the tablecloth and the photo of the coffee cup with your hands and the zendala tile you started. What is your pencil stuck that, as I am always dropping my pencil. The pattern on the table is self is cool too. Great photo's, Rick! Thanks for sharing your trip...looking forward to seeing more!

  26. So many things to love in this post, but that pencil holder, how cute is that?! So happy to see you guys out exploring for us!!! I know we'll all benefit from this trip with new patterns and ideas. :)
    Mary Reich

  27. It has been long time since my last visit to art filled Amsterdam. Your photos remind me that it is time to go back.
    Melissa Cahn, CZT 6

  28. The pencil holder. . . . .

    it was an old knife handle. . . as in dinner knife.

    Sterling, engraved. Somehow the blade disappeared

    and a Z pencil found its way into it!

    Ond of my favorite things. . . .


  29. It was such a joy to see photos of many of the places I too visited many years ago on my trip to Amsterdam. I so wish that Zentangle had been in my life at the time, but I still marveled at all the detail that I saw. I have pictures of lots of little details, still, on film and slides. (Yep old!) :) It was such a treat to see more of your adventure. I am thrilled to be able to try out the new Opus tiles! Kate Ahrens CZT IX, aka 1 Art Lady Kate

  30. I've been zentangling for 2 yrs, and it's opened up a whole new world for me! I like to push the boundaries and experiment with colors and textures but I almost always come back to the classic black and white. =) I loved seeing Amsterdam through a tangler's eyes!

  31. The only truly exciting art I find where I live is in people's I can't take pictures of it or else I'll look like a creep. ^_^ LOVE your photos and can't wait to see the next batch of them!

  32. I inherited a significant wanderlust from my father and have been able to indulge my travel passion since my husband and I became empty nesters. My tangling experience enriches my travels (or is it vice versa?). I see and photograph patterns everywhere now that can possibly be deconstructed into tangles (driving my husband a little nuts). Our latest trip to South Africa was very pattern-esque as was a trip to Budapest in September.

  33. What fabulous pictures and opportunities! It looks like a wonderful trip. last year, we were on a cruise that took us to Brugge, Netherlands. We saw a lot of similar sights and I will never forget it! Of course it helps that I took a bunch of pictures...We have a Zentangle club where I live. There are over 100 people! One of the other CZTs (there are 4 of us) donated an Opus tile for a drawing. Unfortunately, I did not win it. It wass the first one I had seen. Looks like it would be lots of fun to tangle on it! I love the fact that you are always coming out with new tangles and products. It keeps our interest piqued (as if we need any extra encouragement). Thanks for all you do!

  34. Enjoyed all the pictures I want to go to Amsterdam !!... Would love to see Maria's journal...
    Grateful as always!! Thank you for all you two do...

  35. I am so glad you posted your second post about your trip. I am amazed at the wonderful pictures and possible patterns. I only just started to Zentangle and I noticed two Zentangle patterns when I was reading through catalogs. I ripped them out and am keeping them with my Zentangle supplies. I hope you have heard from my family. Zentangle supplies are on my Christmas list! Merry Christmas MartyG

  36. wow! amazing trip and amazing photography. We visited Amsterdam many years ago. . . before Zentangle came into my life and changed the way I see everything. There seems to be so much more to see now than before Zentangle. . . It has changed my life in so many ways, big and small. Thanks for the mini visit to Amsterdam.

  37. What I love about tangling is how it has opened my eyes to all that is around me. I notice so much more. I take the time to stop and look, especially at architectural details! I've lived in the same city for over 60 years, and I'm just now actually "seeing" it!

  38. Such beautiful photos. Since Seminar (#17), I've begun taking photos of all sorts of patterns and shapes while out and about! It's given our vacations so much more interest and depth. Thanks for sharing your travels with us.

  39. I love the photos of your trip. And it is amazing how Zentangle changes what we see - what we really see. Maria, I hope you will share some of your work inspired by what you saw there.

  40. Great photos of our Capital Amsterdam. I have been there many times, but now I wiĺ look very different whem I go again.
    Zentangle really is part of my life now, when I look at my work I am proud, and I thank you both for the method and inspiration. Love from Holland.

  41. Love all the pictures, Amsterdam is on my "one of these days" list to visit. I am now looking more closely (at everything) for ideas for tangles. I'm addicted!

  42. You have certainly taught all of us to just look around us -- there are tangles everywhere. Thanks for sharing your photos from Amsterdam. Merry Christmas!


  44. Dear Rick and Maria, I am inspired by your wonderful photos of Amsterdam. My husband and I have some very good friends who live in the Netherlands very near Amsterdam in a small town called Wassenaar near The Hague. We have been there many times and have also been to the Rijksmuseum to see the amazing Night Watch painting too. I love to walk through the city and have always admired the architecture as well as the wonderful art in many places. Next time we go there, I will have a whole new perspective thanks to the amazing photos you took. Thanks for opening my eyes! Also wishing you and Rick and your wonderful extended family a very Happy New Year! Take care, Harriet Meltzer, CZT16

  45. I have never zengangled! Yup, ya'll read that correctly :( However, I have my supples, and today stumbled upon your website and I am ready to start! I watched a very interesting video how it is beneficial for children. I am practicing Mindfulness Living, and I feel this will fit right in to my daily practice of seeking joy, peace, calm, and living in the moment. I look forward to the journey with the aid of your offerings here. Thank you so:)

  46. Dear Rick and Maria,

    Wonderfull to read about your adventures in Amsterdam.
    It is a beautiful city and reading your blog makes me realize that even more.
    I will look with diffrent eyes to my capital city next time i visit beautiful Amsterdam.

    Thank you for sharing!

    Kind regards,

    Marieke Sanchez


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