Wednesday, December 2, 2015

On the first day of Christmas, Bijou gave to me . . .

. . . an ornament for my Christmas tree.

verb: to regard with wonder, pleasure, or approval.

Ahhh. One of the best parts about creating Zentangle art is taking the time to admire and appreciate our own work. Bijou even suggests doing this while you are tangling your tile as well as when you finish.

So, enjoy your work as it evolves and then, sit back and admire it again when you feel it is done. Stretch your arm out with tile in hand, turning it this way and that to view it at different perspectives. See how your strokes come together to create something you had not imagined – something new and amazing.

And don't forget to admire others' works, taking the time to point out the parts you particularly like. "Just how did you do that version of hollibaugh?" It is so fun to see other artists' eyes light up when you admire their art. What an easy gift to give someone!

In the rush of a busy day, it's easy to forget to take a moment to admire something . . . particularly something you created. Bijou reminds us not to forget this important part of life.

"Focus" is both an action and a result of practicing the Zentangle Method. Bijou reminds us how creating Zentangle art and focus go hand-in-hand.

Setting aside even a little time for your Zentangle practice will allow more focus into your life. All the chaos going on in your head seems to fade into the background. Zentangle does not make the chaos go away, but it does give you a chance to take a rest from it. And, it gives you the focus that helps you to work through it.

Learn more about Bijou, our dear friend and adviser, at

Molly created this cool ornament by assembling six 2" squares of chipboard into a cube. She attached a string to hang it and then covered it with black duct tape. Using double-sided tape, she then attached four completed Bijou tiles and two Bijouisms to the cube.

Et voila . . . an ornament for your tree, window, chandelier, or wherever your heart desires . . . to be an admired object of focus throughout the coming year(s)!


What a nice time of year to take some time to have another look at some of the wonderful "zentiments" and philosophies that our friend Bijou has brought to light in what we call Bijouisms. Join us for these 12 days as we look at some of them, get re-inspired and create something fun with them.

We will randomly choose one name from our list of commenters to send a bunch of Bijou stuff to have your way with!

Join us tomorrow for Day 2!

Many thanks,

Rick, Maria, Molly, et Bijou!


  1. Bijou always encourages me to slow down and enjoy the process!

  2. I'm imagining making several cubes and constructing a mobile . . . But maybe I'll start with one, cuz anything is possible, one cube at a time.

  3. Love the cool ornament Molly made... Zentangle is a perfect respite. Jackie S. CZTXIII

  4. What a wonderful idea!!! And a special way to practice Bijou....he and I are still coming to terms about his appearances on my drawings. I'm a VERY newbie type of "artist" with shaky hands. And I'm still trying to get past my perfectionism, but Zentangle has been so freeing when it comes to that....I AM learning to make new endeavors out of my errors....not just in Zentangle. I'm allowing myself to make mistakes and say it's "OKAY"

    Thank you so much for the lessons learned with Zentangle and how much it has opened my mind and heart!!!! From the great state of Texas...

    Nanette Edmonds
    Temple, Texas

    πŸ–Š✏️ ❤️❤️πŸ€“πŸŒπŸŒπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¨πŸ‡±

  5. I appreciate hearing from Bijou and seeing what new adventures/creations he is exploring....and oh, so slowly. Yeah,Bijou! A good reminder to parcel out the rush, rush that often comes during this time of year.

  6. Hey Nanette,
    I'm from Houston. Granddaddy D.T. Jenkins was from Temple!
    Have fun tangling!


  7. Your 12 Days of Christmas offerings are always so delightful. :) I'm quite fond of Bijouisms and I think Molly has created a real winner with her ornament!
    Jan Brandt, CZT XII, Reno, NV

  8. I love the ornament that Molly created. Smart cookie!

  9. My Mum used to always say to me as I was growing up AND when I was grown up to "Go slowly my darling, and enjoy the journey...." Altho' at the time, my Mum used tortoises as an example, the words could be Bijou's as well!
    Tangling and Zentangle have gotten me through a difficult year health-wise, it has helped me to "......slow down and complete the journey....." without running out of puff. My spirit is feeling so settled and calm as a result and I look forward to Christmas. Rick and Maria, you and yours have a wonderful time plus good health and happiness in to 2016 !

  10. Maria, Rick, and Bijou! Thank you SO much for reminding us to stop and Admire and Focus on what is important during this busy season! To each of us those details will be different, but still so very meaningful. Holiday blessings to you all!

  11. Have been meaning to start tangling for a long while now ... Just haven't ...although the videos and books and blogs have been studied.
    Read the bijouisms with interest - thanks for reminding me in a different way that life is more enjoyable in a focused way.

  12. I love the ornament--I am going to do one. I just started tangling this year and I look forward to the 12 Days of Christmas offerings. I enjoyed the first one and I know the rest will be very inspiring.

  13. Always love the twelve days of creativity. Molly certainly delivered on day one! Can't wait to make my own ornaments, such a great idea. Awaiting day two with a pen in hand.

  14. Lovely ornament! Great advice from Bijou! Am always inspired by the creativity shared in your newsletters! I try to take each day one step at a time!

  15. Lovely ornament! Great advice from Bijou! Am always inspired by the creativity shared in your newsletters! I try to take each day one step at a time!

  16. I really like the ornament idea!! I plan to use it now and throughout the year. Thank you for a great and fun idea!!

  17. Bijou, Rick & Maria: Thanks so much for the words of wisdom, along with the lovely ornament idea from Miss Molly. This has reminded me to slow down when I'm teaching or creating, and is a wonderful present to start the month of December!

  18. I love Bijou! (I tell the fairytale Rick created about Bijou in all my classes ;-)) And I love this ornament!

  19. Thank you so much. This lovely creation is very peace-giving. Delightful!

  20. A lovely post in every way.

  21. Beautiful project idea...the lessons learned with Bijou are priceless!

  22. I love this ornament idea. I make ornaments every year for my grandchildren and am always looking for new ideas. This is definitely one to consider!

  23. It's nice to be reminded about Bijou because I have "strayed" away from that for awhile.
    I am making Zentangle stars for everyone I know but the little box is darling.
    Thanks for sharing.

  24. What a lovely idea and ornament. I may have to begin now to get a head start on NEXT year. :) Thank you for always sending perfect inspirational messages to our Z community.

  25. Bijou reminds me to slow down, leave a mark, and continue the journey.

  26. Love this reminder to Focus -- something I need more of in this busy time of year when I feel tugged in so many directions.

  27. Last night I hurt my eyeball pretty badly on a tree branch so this post reminding me to breath was right on time. Thank you. Also, you've inspired me to do a Zentangle Bijou for each night of Hanukkah starting Sunday.

  28. Oh my gosh, this is wonderful! Thanks Molly!

  29. What a neat idea. Thanks, Molly! I know what I'll be doing this afternoon, LOL.

  30. always so the ornament:-)

  31. What a great idea! Can't wait to try it! I love Bijou!

  32. Good things come in small shells! Thank you for the inspiration!

  33. What a great idea! I love little Bijou. Thank you! My best wishes to you for a happy holiday season.

  34. Thank you, Bijou, for your wise words! Hugs to you and your human family!

  35. Happy Holidays to Bijou and all of the Zentangle family!

  36. Just beautiful as always! Thank you for the inspiration. Looking forward to all the days of Christmas. Thank you, Cheryl Cianci

  37. What a lovely idea! What fun it would be to do this as a tile exchange with Zentangle friends to make it, as Bijou would say, a truly Joyeux Noel!

  38. What a fun, creative idea. I have a few ideas in my head now to incorporate tangling into my decorations.

  39. Wow, what a beautiful use of the little Bijou tiles. Will you show us how you did the box that forms the attachment?

  40. I love the ornament idea. Once I get through the busy week, I may just have to try to make some.

  41. I love ALL things Bijou! I love Molly's idea BUT I think I may try to find a square of wood in my misc. stuff to start it off on. Taping pieces of card together seems like a LOT of work. : )

  42. Love these ornaments! I have been busy with ornaments this past week, but did not think to use Bijou tiles....I think I see a new project for this weekend!

  43. So adorable. I love the size of these tiles and the true 'elegance of limits'.

  44. I love the idea of seeing it turning before my eyes. Not stuffed away in a drawer somewhere but really looked at and appreciated. Can't wait for more great ideas!

  45. Love this ornament and looking forward to the next days. I remember you did a "12 days of Christmas". Last year or the year before or... Time flies when having fun with Bijou!

  46. What a wonderful idea for an ornament!!

  47. I need to read a little more on Bijou I guess... coming to CZT#23 so I better be up on all things Zentangle. Love this ornament. I've made porcelain ornaments of my scanned Zentangle Inspired Art. I'm hoping to sell a few at a local craft fair this weekend, and some are going to be given as gifts.

  48. Cute! I love Bijou and really need to get some of these sweet little tiles! Great idea for gifting!

  49. Cute! I love Bijou and really need to get some of these sweet little tiles! Great idea for gifting!

  50. Love Bijou and Love this idea! This would be a great way to showcase the little tiles year round... Maybe a little tree with just these on it. How cute would that be?

  51. Thank you for your reminder to breathe Bijou!! Love the ornament Molly!

  52. What a lovely ornament idea!. Hoping to incorporate Bijou's tips into my everyday life during this potentially hectic season by frequently stopping to take a deep breath and being in the present.

  53. I ADMIRE this...
    Your creativity fills me with WONDER
    These Bijou images give me PLEASURE
    This entire post gets my wholehearted APPROVAL

  54. What a great idea for the Bijou tile. I love it.

  55. I usually walk around in my garden and put my tiles between flowers to take a photo. This is my way to "appreciate". Meanwhile the flowers have gone and during the winter season it is difficult to find an equivalent location for presenting my tiles. Molly´s ornament is not only for the Christmas tree but looks really nice on a branch all year round. Thank you for sharing!

  56. What a wonderful ornament! Thank you for reminding us to slow down, and what Zentangle is really about <3 Happy holidays!

  57. What a great ornament idea! I will have to make some! Happy holidays to all!

  58. Bijou is always welcome in my home. I love his perfect portability, and propensity to present himself as an impromptu present.

  59. "FOCUS" - The perfect Bijouism for the Advent season. Prepare to be a-m-a-z-e-d.

  60. this is a fantastic idea!!hmmmm thoughts are brewing!!

  61. Cubism! Zensational revision!! Love it! Kim N.

  62. Bijou is one smart snail, it's a very good way to start the season with a beautiful handmade ornament

  63. I love that bijou is a snail and the logo for our winery is a snail😊

  64. I love that bijou is a snail and our winery's logo is a snail.

  65. This is an amazing and beautiful idea! I would love to try this!

  66. I have just about worked my way through my first tin of Bijou tiles, loving every minute of it. I always make my own Christmas cards, usually with tangles, but this year I am attaching an actual completed Bijou tile to the front of the card, with two little slits, like you did at CZT#20. There will be an explanation inside. Everyone loves my cards and I'm sure this one will be a big hit as well.

  67. I have just about worked my way through my first tin of Bijou tiles, loving every minute of it. I always make my own Christmas cards, usually with tangles, but this year I am attaching an actual completed Bijou tile to the front of the card, with two little slits, like you did at CZT#20. There will be an explanation inside. Everyone loves my cards and I'm sure this one will be a big hit as well.

  68. The simplicity of this ornament is the epitome of Bijou and Zentangle!! Thanks so much for sharing. I can't wait to give it a go!! ;-)

  69. Greetings,
    They say that "great minds travel in the same channels"....
    I have been creating small (2 x 2") cube box Zentangle ornaments since I first started tangleing years ago.......they make wonderful gifts and are so relaxing to create.......
    Love and light,

  70. I am brand new to Zentangle. I first became interested in coloring for adults but something was missing. That interest very quickly led me to zentangle. I love it! It was the truly creative part that was missing for me. I also enjoy looking at other artists work. So many amazing artistic folks. With the first Bijou mail I eagerly awaited more. And it made me wonder if I had been overlooking a potential artistic friend as occasionally I see a colorful snail on our front porch. I will have to introduce myself. You two put an amazing amount of energy and love into your art, the website and the stories you are sharing about Bijou. Thank you so much!

  71. I am brand new to Zentangle. I first became interested in coloring for adults but something was missing. That interest very quickly led me to zentangle. I love it! It was the truly creative part that was missing for me. I also enjoy looking at other artists work. So many amazing artistic folks. With the first Bijou mail I eagerly awaited more. And it made me wonder if I had been overlooking a potential artistic friend as occasionally I see a colorful snail on our front porch. I will have to introduce myself. You two put an amazing amount of energy and love into your art, the website and the stories you are sharing about Bijou. Thank you so much!

  72. Bijou is a real jewel to give us such wonderful ideas for Christmas and other decorations and has really got my mind jumping around with new ideas. But don`t worry, I`ll tangle awhile and settle down to something creative and positive, because Zentangle has really helped me focus on a number of things ... I`m so-o-o enjoying practising various aspects of it, and promoting it to others, too!

  73. I like the display possibilities in your newsletter this week and in day 1 of Christmas. I am thinking I will make a black cube with 4 by 4 inch sides from a heavy black paper and put my three and a half inch square tiles on each of the six sides. Great display idea! I'm excited to get started!

  74. Bijou is my favorite. I am always so amazed when I bring him out during a class and tell his story. The reactions are priceless. :) I want to make these as gifts for family and friends. What a wonderful way to remind our loved ones to breathe in this crazy world we live in.

  75. Bijou is my favorite. I am always so amazed when I bring him out during a class and tell his story. The reactions are priceless. :) I want to make these as gifts for family and friends. What a wonderful way to remind our loved ones to breathe in this crazy world we live in.

  76. I like the display possibilities in your newsletter this week and in day 1 of Christmas. I am thinking I will make a black cube with 4 by 4 inch sides from a heavy black paper and put my three and a half inch square tiles on each of the six sides. Great display idea! I'm excited to get started!

  77. Now that is a perfect holiday heirloom. This is going to be a tradition starting today.

  78. I love Bijou's reminder to focus. I get pain in my hands and sometimes want to hurry through a tile or ZIA. Remembering to slow down and focus, allowing myself several sittings to complete a tile, enables me to relax my grip and to get into the Zen of the tangle!

  79. This opens up a whole host of ideas.....

  80. My CZT was the best gift I ever give myself. Bijou was introduced at our Class #14! Such a thrill to meet himπŸŒΊπŸ’•

  81. This looks like fun, I just started doing this zentangle stuff very recently, I've had the news letters sent too my e-mail and just started going through them, seems like the perfect kinda art for me cause I like doodling but was never much of a great artist. My pieces are turning it awake and there's a infinity of tangles to learn and any paper and regular pen work too! So I don't have to save for pricey art materials, thank you for the inspiration!

  82. This looks like fun, I just started doing this zentangle stuff very recently, I've had the news letters sent too my e-mail and just started going through them, seems like the perfect kinda art for me cause I like doodling but was never much of a great artist. My pieces are turning it awake and there's a infinity of tangles to learn and any paper and regular pen work too! So I don't have to save for pricey art materials, thank you for the inspiration!

  83. Bijou is my kind and gentle tangle friend. I love him?

  84. I have started very simple zentangle and am very tight. I hope to relax more and enjoy the more focus, relaxed and just do. Thank you for this.

  85. This is a delightful way to remind me to slow down, enjoy the process and admire the results.

  86. I always admire others' works, but forget to appreciate my own. When I do take a look, I am in awe that I could create something so beautiful. This ornament is a perfect reminder to focus and admire!

  87. Merry Christmas, Rick, Maria, Molly, et Bijou!

  88. This post is very timely for me, I really need focus and strength. It was a good reminder. inspirTional. Thank-you!

  89. I have always loved to learn, and my happiness comes from peace. Zentangle brings me endless opportunity for both, and I am so thankful that I stumbled upon it. The ornament is great, and so are the wise and deep words. I appreciate it.

  90. I have always loved to learn, and my happiness comes from peace. Zentangle brings me endless opportunity for both, and I am so thankful that I stumbled upon it. The ornament is great, and so are the wise and deep words. I appreciate it.

  91. Inspired by your earlier post of the great wire photo holder you now offer, I was beginning to make one and have now decided that I will make Molly's cube and decorate it with bijouisms and bijou tiles that I have completed. Absolutely LOVE Bijou!!! I have resisted getting a "real" Bijou tattoo, but it's only a matter of time.... until then, I will wear my temporary tattoos!


  92. I was a fine arts major in college and have enjoyed drawing, painting and other mediums since I was a little girl. I stopped doing art for many years for several reasons I won't go into. The longer you stay out of the right side of your brain, however, the harder it is to get back into it. I attempted it many times over the years but got discouraged and felt I lost my abilities. Nothing ever looked "right" to me. My mother bought me a Zentangle kit for my birthday in October, and I got very excited! It clicked with me right away. I could get back into the creative side of my brain with no pressure! I could create for just the joy of creating without worrying about the final result. Zentangle has given me the gift of art again! Thanks, Mom, for introducing me to this wonderful art form! BTW, my husband says to mention that he misses me very much! LOL

  93. What a great idea. I hadn't thought to use zentangles on ornaments.

  94. I am going to make a mobile with tangles on various different 3D forms (pyramid, square, pentagon, hexagon,..) and hang it in my work space. I will be inspired by it, can enjoy them, and not clutter up my workspace.

  95. I do not have a lot of time to tangle. But I find that scrolling through pictures of tangles and just the thought of it, relaxes and calms my mind. When I am most anxious, I scroll, or look through books, or play with my supplies and Voila, relaxed. I am so glad I found this hobby!

  96. Thank you, Rick and Maria for this lovely post. I especially love that you included Molly's process for creating the ornament. I have used my Zentangle (R) inspired artwork to create ornaments in the past and am always looking for new ways to do so. Thank you!!

  97. Love the ornament! These would make wonderful gifts for friends and family!

  98. I'm with one of your other posters. I find that I have very shaky hands with Zentangle and am having a hard time slowing down and focusing. I was in CZT21, loved it, came back to real life and lost my "Zentangleness" if that's a word, lol I even attended one of your workshops in Massachusetts hoping to get it back, but no luck so far. I've even stopped mentioning that I'm a CZT because people ask me if I teach and the answer is "no". I lost all of the goodness I learned and am trying to get it back. I'm going to take the time to try some Bijous and hope that helps.


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