Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Another Beautiful Morning

Three days over 50 degrees. Has Spring finally sprung here? All that energy coiled through a long winter starting to burst forth. Like the garlic that overwintered in our garden - like this Zentangle.


  1. I started this Zentangle with a very simple string. I use the string for guidance and ideas but not for restriction. So I selectively use it or not depending on the whim of the tangle. I began with a very exuberant Knightsbridge (one of my favorites).. and worked off of that. It's fun to morph off each tangle and melt into another. I tend to use curvy lines, very few straight..... and lots of deliberately not-perfectly round "orbs". I love filling spaces with them, like the bubbles in the sink when doing dishes.....and Ricky was right about the growth and bursting images.....they seem to appear in lots of my works.... I go back and forth with Z's that have borders and then those that break all the rules.....just because you can! I love the swirling "checkered" sea of energy....And if you hold it upside down.....It's a whole other world. Maria Thomas

  2. I absolutely love it.
    But once again, I ask the question: what do you do for the shading? Do you use a light wash?

  3. revbyrd, shading is with a soft lead pencil and, as rose said, smudged with your finger. Nothing fancy - we use the small "golf" pencils that we include in our kit. We keep a jar of those pencils and various pigma pens on our kitchen table.
    - Rick

  4. I'm new to zentangling, I recently found your site on the web. I am now addicited. Thank you!! :)♥♥♥ It is the first form of art that I can just do and not analyze and correct and drive myself mad trying to perfect. It always turns out beautifully unique. It has turned into my favorite form of meditation and is a great form of relaxation. It moves me out of my head and into my heart. Thanks for sharing your talents and moving so many people. So will you be giving a class to become a CZT in Ontario?

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous! Whenever I see one of your zentangles, I immediately want to grab paper and pen, and zen!

    Rose, don't sweat your tangles, and don't try to copy anyone else's style. Let it flow, and you'll learn your own strengths.

  6. Wow, thankyou so much for this wonderful Tangle, I could not wait to get up and have a look this morning, I even logged on before I got the kids thier school lunches!!..... I am trying trying to be more free with my tangles and its so inspiring to see what you do each day

    Thankyou so much for a wonderful blog


  7. Inspiration is what it takes to create so many individually, unique, and fun zentangles! Keep them coming.

  8. I love the way you burst forth Maria. Autumn is just starting here, it is a lovely time of year especially after a hot summer. The air is beautiful and crisp in the mornings. I am fascinated by orientation. Is it best not to have an up or down?

  9. Shelly - There is a lot of benefit in not having an up or down. We also encourage folks to turn their tile whichever way feels comfortable while creating a Zentangle.
    -- Rick

  10. Hi

    Iam so loving your blog and was would love you to add my blog to your blogroll www.rhanitangles.blogspot.com. I have added you to follow and am so happy you have this wonderful blog

    many thanks

  11. Rose, take a look at some of our archived newsletters on our website (under "What's New"). Read ones that discuss our CZT seminars - that will give you a good idea of what it's about.

    You can also contact any CZT on our teachers list (under "Learn") - they're all there.

    - Rick


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