Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Newsletter Discussion - March 30, 2010

We just emailed our March 30, 2010 newsletter and we're looking forward to your questions and comments.

If you don't already receive our free newsletter, you can sign up for it here. At that link you can also read all of our earlier newsletters.


  1. i'm not able to open the newsletter. is anyone else having issues?

  2. Diva, try it now. I get the address before it becomes active - takes about 5 - 10 minutes.

    -- Rick

  3. Thanks Carole. I'm working on a blog post on this subject so all can benefit from this conversation. - Rick

  4. Yup! i can see it now.

    i loved the little article about the woman in Alaska teaching kids Zentangle. So great! I hope to do the same! (See you in May)!

  5. Just curious; Do you ever finish a zentangle and feel, gosh this is the ugliest thing I ever saw? Do you trash it or keep it? I hate that feeling of making a tile I don't like! Maybe I need to learn not to invest so much in the outcome.

  6. Jan, maybe the more you do, the more it won't matter. We all have our own 'judge and jury' that lurks around and drive us nuts, but we are also more than that. Trust that there is a part of you that truly just loves the experience of creating a zentangle. That part is there and really doesn't care about what it looks like, only what it felt like when you did it.

  7. Hi Jan,

    That's one of our reasons for using a 3.5 inch square tile. You just do another one. I tend to keep all of mine (I don't do as many as Maria does) even ones that I wouldn't rush to show others. Most of the ones that I don't like are ones that I planned ahead of time or tried to "draw." But they're a good example to keep to show what doesn't work for me.

    I think it's sorta like life - sometimes you have a day that might not be your favorite day, but like Annie say, "There's always tomorrow." Just get another tile.

    Also, don't be so quick to dismiss a Zentangle you don't like at that moment. You may come back to it later and see something in that is quite special.

    - Rick

  8. Jan - I totally agree with Rick's comment to give it some time. I find that right after I finish one I'm often too engaged with the individual details making it too easy to focus on what I might have done differently. Looking at it later sometimes days later - I'm better able to see the whole. One other thing to consider - shading - I tend to not shade initially more because I don't trust myself to do it "right" however I'm getting braver. I've gone back and added shading to some of my least favorite ones and it does change my appreciation and view of it.


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