Friday, March 12, 2010

Zentangle and Crochet

We live in a patterned world and it's wonderful to watch how Zentangle's approach translates into different media.

This week, one of our CZTs came by our studio to pick up some supplies. She crochets and brought a beautiful Zentangle inspired freeform piece of crochet creation. In that day's hustle and bustle we forgot to get a picture though. Later she sent us this email:

You will LOVE this.

I picked up the tiles, kits, etc. this afternoon, go to check out email... Well, the freeform crochet yahoo group that I belong to has a big thread about how wonderful zentangle is!!!!! I sent them links to and the blog. I am SO EXCITED!

Here is a link to a ff crochet piece that one of the members of the list created that was inspired by zentangle.... Check it out!!!

We shouldn't be surprised that Zentangle would interest folks who crochet - after all, one of Zentangle's basic components is a "string."

Here's that link. It really is beautiful. Thank you!


  1. That's a beautiful example of how Zentangles reach into so many other mediums. I love it!

  2. Oh, now that's just plain cool!

  3. Oh this is wonderful, there really is no end to the places Zentangle can show up, i had to stop myself from zentangling my shoe at tennis today !!

  4. This is awesome! Who woulkd have thought!!! :)

  5. Oh my goodness. How amazing. I crochet some but that is out of this world. I am so excited you all have started this blog. I absolutely love Zentangle.

  6. So very kewl!!! I love the '3D' effect.


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