Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Couple Gems

Molly came by yesterday and brought another gem that we have to share!

It's neat to trace out in your mind where Molly drew her string. That hexagonal tangle is something we've actually figured out how to do in a "Zentangle way" - in other words, a repetition of simple strokes instead of trying to "draw" it. We'll show you in some future newsletter.

We also received a wonderful bundle of thank you cards for our Zentangle presentation to our grandson's second grade class. They were all so much fun and heartwarming to read. In the interest of posting pictures of us we thought we would share this gem of a portrait that one of those students created.

Click images to enlarge


  1. Rose, that's Molly's. With the addition of that little "o" you can find all the letters for "Molly T." It's a version of her logo that she uses on her jewelry website "".

  2. Molly has great vision! I'm drawn to the delicacy that surrounds the negative spaces.

  3. We have two daughters and one son. Molly is a jewelry artist ....does beautiful work.... you can see some of it if you google... MOLLY SHATTUCK THOMAS. Funny how she also works in patterns.....and always has! maria


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