Thursday, April 22, 2010

How High?

We'll find out!

We were playing on our kitchen table to see how high we could build a Zentangle tile tower, but that table's surface was too smooth.

Out came one of Maria's earlier desk blotters. Its suede matting has a nice "tooth." Looks like this will be a good foundation to build on.

Here's a closer look at that blotter:

Click images for larger view


  1. fergyles@hotmail.comApril 25, 2010 at 11:37 AM

    I am so curious on what medium was used to highlight in white. It is soft looking and not like the hard edge of ink but remains glossy. Does anyone know? And I think they are soooo beautiful. I just keep coming back to the website to view them.

  2. Hi, fergyles...............the white is a chalk pencil, with a pretty sharp tip as it gets dull quickly. A "Berol" pencil would probably do as well. It's a fun exercise to add the white, when using a tinted surface..... you feel very "da vinci-esque".......m


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