Wednesday, June 23, 2010

CZT October Class is Full

Good news, bad news . . .

Good news is that we filled our October Certified Training Seminar in just over one week.

Bad news is that we filled our October Certified Training Seminar in just over one week.

We will continue to wait-list people who wish to attend. We encourage you to wait-list because there is a good chance that some of you will get seats. We will not run any cards or deposit any checks for people who are wait-listed. Also, please do not PayPal funds until we let you know if you will be able to attend.

Read more about our CZT seminars here.

We look forward to meeting and working with our new friends in October.

See you then!


  1. Hooray!! Can I start a Yahoo or FB group for those attending??

  2. Sooo! excited to be part of this class in the fall. I have been looking forward to this for over a year.

  3. I'm excited for you all. You'll love it. (I went this past spring and I'm still loving it!)

  4. Count me as another excited attendee - can't wait. I like the idea of starting a group - keep us posted. I'll put my vote in for Yahoo - I'm not on facebook. Thanks.

  5. Me too! I can't wait...and the fall is going to be such a beautiful time to go back east! I'd be up for a facebook group Kass....

  6. Woot! Woot! Looking forward to meeting everyone!

  7. I'll do a Yahoo group - more inclusive :) I'll post a link when it's ready.


  8. OK - if you are registered for October CZT, please email me at - please say that you want to be invited to the blog and I will send you an invite. The only people who will be able to read it are those going to CZT training and we will all be able to post and comment.


  9. oh I'm so disappointed that I won't be part of the October Zentangle class.... When will the next one be??? Congrats, though, on such a quick fill! You're ROCK STARS!!!

    ...scatter joy...

  10. I've created a closed blog through Blogger - 4 invites have been sent. Anyone else wanting to join who is doing October training, please email me and I'll send the invite. Very exciting!

  11. We have 7-8 people now - anyone else coming? Great way to get to know each other before october!


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