Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Six by Eight . . .

Is fortyeight!

We recently received this lovely email:

Hello Rick and Maria,

I have been a fan of yours for a whole year now. I discovered your website last August and fell in love with Zentangles at first sight. I have introduced your website and the art of Zentangle to at least 12 of my friends and I know they have introduced Zentangles to their friends and family and the list goes on and on...

Recently I finished a 48-piece Zentangle that measures 22" X 30" assembled. I loved the process so much that I am going to begin another large piece. I have this large piece on my blog, as well as detail work and a "Zentangle" photo album. I wanted to share with you what you have inspired me to do.

I just wanted to touch base and say hello and let you know that you have inspired me and I that have learned so much from your newsletters.

Many thanks,
Jill Ehlert

We invite you to visit Jill's blog to view a full size image of this 48 piece ensemble and read her descriptions.

We also invite you to explore creating Zentangles in an Ensemble format. See this recent blog entry and our Ensemble page on our website. We encourage you to create your own like Jill did.

Thanks, Jill.


  1. What a beautiful treat! I also visited Jill's blogsite and it is bursting with lots of beautiful fun. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey Rose, so glad to see your voice! Hope all is well........maria

  3. Hey all, see if you can find the little critters that "found their way" into the tangles......very subtle....m

  4. What an impressive ensemble - thanks for the "critter" heads up - they are subtle but very cool indeed - are there more than 3?


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