Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31 Newsletter & Tink

Our August 31, 2010 newsletter has been published. You can sign up for it on our website. It's free. You can view all our newsletters here.

In this newsletter we taught a guest tangle, tink, created by Carole Ohl, CZT.

Here are larger views of Zentangles we showed in our newsletter:

by Carole

by Carole

by Molly

by Maria

In this next series we see earlier versions of Rick's Zentangle. In the first and second views, notice how those small circles are the foundation for three different tangles (huggins, cadent and tink).

Have fun with tink. We think you will enjoy adding this tangle to your palette.

Indy sure did! She was watching Molly tangle tink and wanted to tangle, too. Here's Indy's first Zentangle (at fifteen months)!

Click images for larger views.


  1. YAY Indy!

    Get that child a beret IMMEDIATAMENTE!

    Does anyone besides me see the sort of crow shaped head/face in there?

  2. Hey Teri! I didn't know you were hanging out here! LOL

  3. No, look again - its definitly Sylvester the cat and Tweety bird.

  4. A treasure for sure! Don't lose it!

  5. It's always fun to see what different people do with the same tangle. Rick's idea of using the same circles for three different tangles is really cool!

    I can't wait to see Indy's tangles by this time next year!

    Thanks, guys.

  6. When this is made very evenly it's its own pattern, but when made irregularly it is BRIDGEN, or so it looks to me. I don't see the difference if there is one. Reply?
    Tracy McDonald


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