Thursday, September 9, 2010

Master Class Bee

Another Master Class attendee, Sandy Bartholomew, CZT, has completed her two Zentangle Master Class projects. Here's one of them.

Be sure to visit Sandy's blog entry to see her other beautiful creation and read what she has to say.

We had such a wonderful time at Master Class. Just as with all things Zentangle, it's marvelous to see how each individual's uniqueness manifests within Zentangle's "elegance of limits."

Thank you, Sandy!

Click image for larger view.


  1. Wow. This is outstanding! Perfectly playful and elegant all at once. A real inspiration. Thank you so much!

  2. Love it!!!!! The touch of pink makes it sing!!!!!

  3. Sandy Bartholomew = truly Master Zentangler!

  4. Blush!
    I have to admit that I actually finished these while still in Newport. I stayed up... insanely late listening to Project Runway re-runs and pushing myself to FINISH! I was terrified that, if I took them home incomplete, they'd stay that way forever. I am really pleased with how they look. And I desperately want to be challenged like that again with such an amazing group of people!

  5. I love these master class pieces with the roman style letter. This is beautiful, Sandy! I can't wait to attend a class from Rick and Maria after seeing some of the students' work.


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