Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Note from Germany

We received this wonderful note from Stephanie in Hamburg, Germany. We are sharing her letter because she brings up two points that we want to emphasize.

First, her gratitude for the many blogs that are linked here. If you are a new reader, we encourage you to take some time to explore them.

Second, her comments about taking a class from a Certified Zentangle Teacher. There is something very special about taking a Zentangle class taught by a CZT. We encourage you to understand why by contacting one near you.

Here's Stephanie's letter:
Hi Maria and Rick,

A few days ago I found your site and – as many people before – I´m totally intrigued by this wonderful art, meaning especially the process of Zentangle . . .

Since then I never getting tired looking at those beautiful images all the people published in the great blogs you´ve linked. And fascinated by Zentangle© I already created my own sketchbook to collect these nice tangles.

Every day I try take some time for Zentangle . . . to reconnect with my inner self.

Unfortunally there is no CZT nearby to learn the art of Zentangle in depth – but I keep on reading your blog and newsletter to grasp every bit of it . . .

Thank you very much for sharing your work!
Stephanie (Hamburg, Germany)

Thanks for writing, Stephanie. Now, we want to see what's inside!

Click image for larger view.


  1. Stephanie, I guess I am the nearest CZT to you. Maybe you can plan a weekend in the Netherlands. You will find me in the teachers list.
    Maria CZT#3

  2. I'll have to plan a trip to the Netherlands, because in Italy there aren't CZTs... :(

  3. Wow, what a big surprise to see my picture on your blog :-O !

    If you want to take a peek at my scetchbook and some tangled tiles you´re invited to visit a special page of my blog: http://tarot-wege.blogspot.com/p/zentangle.html . On that page I share my startling discovery of Zentangle© …

    Maria V., thank you for showing up! I will keep your adress – perhaps, who knows, I will be able to take a class next year…


  4. Ok, you´ve got me! I became infected with your art ;-) .
    And if you´re interested in my self-educated progress – here´s my brand new blog:

    If I should have injured your rights in any way it would happen accidentally and I apologize in advance. Please give me a note in case I did, to correct and elimate those passages!

    Best wishes from 'over the sea',

  5. I see that you can now take Zentangle classes in Hamburg: www.tangle-hamburg.de

  6. Hi Stephanie,

    falls Du nochmal auf diese Seite gucken solltest: Deine Bitte wurde erhört: Inzwischen gibt es 3 CZTs in Deutschland und gleich 2 davon in Hamburg!!!
    Du kannst mich gerne kontakten, falls Du noch Infos wünschst. Ich freu mich. www.beabea.de
    Herzliche Grüsse

    Beate Winkler, CZT


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