Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 28, 2010 Newsletter and Video

Our September 28, 2010 newsletter has been published. You can sign up for it on our website. It's free. You can view all our newsletters here.
In this newsletter we introduce our new tangle, betweed, and also our first video. Below you can see larger views of the Zentangles that we create in our first video.

Please refer to our this issue of our newsletter for written instructions for betweed.


Click images for larger view.


  1. So cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should be working but I am going to play with betweed! Thanks for sharing. You two are the best!

  2. Nice nice nice video. I hope you do more of them! Thanks for sharing this beautiful tangle... it's going to be a favorite!

  3. Very nice, love the video, your voice is so soothing. I am so exccited to come to MA in October. I feel like I know you already. Soooo! cool I am sure this will be one of my favorite tangles also.

  4. I was just trying to figure this out when your newsletter arrived. Must remember, one stroke at a time, I was making it toooo complicated. Thank you.
    Great video.

  5. I love the video but am having trouble with the sound. My computer volume is up high and so is the video but I could hardly hear you. Please make more videos of your wonderful Zentangles!!

  6. Love this video and the new tangle betweed! I can hardly wait to share it with some of my students and try it out on my zentangles. Thank you so much for making this video and making my day!

  7. Very nice video - great way to illustrate how to draw a lovely tangle. I'll second the hope that there will be more to come. FYI - sound was also an issue on my end - very low even when set to highest range. Didn't stop me from enjoying it though!

  8. Maria & Rick - your first video is awesome; I hope you plan to make more! I could watch Maria draw for hours on end - almost as relaxing as making my own Zentangles!

  9. I love the combination of careful visual work and the thoughtful voice over. Many instructional videos are so frenetic that it's hard to absorb the teaching. This was just great! Thanks much!

  10. Thank you so much for the video! Honestly, I think I learned more thru that than anything I have seen! I don't have a CZT around me, but I am so pulled into zentangles .... thank you again!
    By the way I am a part of ART (artist of round table) and I would love for you to give your workshop again so I can take it!


    my fingers have been itching to share this ever since the Master Class!

    LOVE IT! AND here is to MANY more videos!

  12. Congrats on your first video. Well done!

  13. Thank you for this lovely video.Please do more!!This is so nice to do. The shading idea is very well explained. I am LOVING doing Zentangles and other "doodles"...

  14. Wow ... that was great. Thank you both for sharing this.

  15. Wow, that was time well spent. You two are Master Teachers! Love, love, love this newsletter. The best yet - so informative and visual!

  16. Where's the "Like" button? This is great! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  17. Great video. I am curious about the calligraphy pen you started with...I am thinking of learning how to do calligraphy.


  18. Wow... Thank you so much for the video! It's very beautiful!!! LOVE IT! I am loving doing Zentangles! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  19. Oh, what can I say? Here I am down here in Australia and you have given such a fantastic gift by the way of your excellent video I am so excited! Thanks so much! I am off to Betweed right now!

  20. Ahh... NOW I get it!! This tangle was a bit of a mystery to me, but not that I've watched the video a few times, I finally get it. The video and audio are very well done - clear, concise, comprehensive. I love that, as a whole, the video has a very calming aura. You have a wonderful teaching style... thank you for this and future video tangle lessons. Nicely done.

  21. This is an absolutely beautiful tangle & does remind me of a favorite silver bracelet. I soooo appreciate the video. After a bit, I was drawing the lines with my finger on the screen following along with Maria. The video is a wonderful teaching tool.
    Everything you do at Zentangle is simple but perfect, just like the kit (which I'm thinking about sending to my over-stressed sister for Christmas). Very elegant.

  22. Lovely video, really inspiring.

  23. -this is the first time that I really could understand the difference between zentangling and "d......."now I understand that it is a structured meditation and that it is the structure or tangles which make it that much more powerful. For us that are geographically challenged (i live in Australia) this video is much needed to understand this amazing process- I would happily purchase video instruction if it was ever offered. To do a course in person
    would be amazing! thank you

  24. What a truly beautiful tangle. You both have such lovely voices, and I do hope you post more videos. Thank you for sharing.

  25. Wonderful new tangle and great video. It is always so great to get the instructions to one of your new tangles on the newsletter, and to get a video with it was extra special! I hope you do more. Thanks so much for sharing this. I can't wait to try Betweed!

  26. Thanks for a great video! Very helpful commentary near the end of the video regarding which patterns were chosen next to complete the tile and where shading was placed, etc... The video is a wonderful tool for those of us not near a CZT. I would love for this to be a regular feature on your blog.
    Thanks again.

  27. Wow! What a great video and how inspiring to watch you create a new tangle. I hope you post more videos in the future. Thanks!

  28. Wonderful, wonderful video.
    This is the best illustration of the difference between drawing a zentangle and freehand doodling.

    Both are fine, but the difference between them is profound, in results (visual and emotional) and technique.

    Thanks for sharing that tangle. I've been seeing it pop up, fell in love with it, and very much wanted to know how it was done.

  29. Thank you for this brilliant video. It's soooooo magical to watch. My two children, aged 10 and 12, have watched now too and have had a go themselves. They both have made a beautiful tiles which I am sure will be well admired at school tomorrow. I've just spoken to Nancy in your office and placed an order for a kit. We will be eagerly waiting and watching for the postman to bring us our parcel of goodies.
    Warmest best wishes and thank you again for your inspiration.

  30. Thank you for emphasizing that In true Zentangle fashion ~ Most of your tangles are made of one, two and sometimes three repeating strokes, over and over again ~ very deliberately ~ very one at a time.
    So many patterns posted on the web by people who have not yet taken your classes are drawn and way too complicated for this contemplative art.

  31. Awesome! This will be my tangle play for the week at home, at work, at the drive-thru, where-ever I stop and can whip out a pen and tile. Love the video. I so enjoy watching the master tangler at work!

  32. I finally had a free moment to watch the video. Wow! I'm forcing myself to log off my computer now and go practice doing the Betweed tangle. Love it!


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