Monday, October 11, 2010

Which One?

Our daughter, Molly, who is also a CZT, gave a small Zentangle class this weekend. Attending were two mothers and their daughters and one other adult. The daughters were ten and twelve years old.

This photo of their three sets of tiles emphasizes one of Zentangle's benefits, that it can be enjoyably done together by a wide range of ages and skills. This can be wonderful asset when different ages are learning together (for instance, in homeschooling) or when it's time to shut off the electronics and create something beautiful together as a family.

So, which Zentangles were created by the daughters and which were created by their moms?

We can't tell either! Isn't that great?

Click image for larger view.


  1. How absolutely wonderful! I've taught a few classes with grandmoms and grandkids, and have had the same result... whose work is whose? It's just a amazing.

  2. Peg Farmer and I have been teaching a 10-week Zentangle class at a community center. We never know who will be visiting the class each week, or what the ages or skill levels will be. We are continually amazed at the flexibility of this art form and how easy it is for everyone to learn it and enjoy it at their own pace. Thank you!

  3. These are great. I'm so looking forward to teaching. I'll be in Zentangle Land tomorrow. Woohoo!

  4. I'm a newbie to Zentangle and have a somewhat shaky hand, but that doesn't ruin the results. I love it. Terri


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