Friday, November 5, 2010

Zentangle Mandolin

A mandolin that hangs on our wall* . . .

. . . served as a model for Maria to paint this gouache on goatskin piece . . .

. . . which we adapted for our 2006 Christmas card.

Here's a detail view of its pick guard with mother-of-pearl tangles and its string connector with engraved tangles.

* This is not the first time this mandolin has modeled for Maria! Also, notice the Zentangle painted on wall and "stuck" in the door jamb.

Click on images for larger view.


  1. Maria's gift never ceases to amaze me. This is stunning.

  2. I saw these mandolins in situ and admired them ... beautiful. There is a painting of a mandolin player that I saw when I was younger, and I can never remember who painted it - Rembrant?? Oh well, I remember the picture clearly and think of it everytime I see mandolins - so thanks for the lovely reminder. Jane


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