Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ixorus #6

We introduced a new tangle, ixorus, in our recent newsletter. (If you haven't read it already, please do. It includes some great comments and a new word, "tangleation.")

Laura Harms' weekly challenge #6 is to create a Zentangle using ixorus.

Here are two contributions from Maria.

We were looking at some other contributions to Challenge #6 and when we saw Carole Ohl's, the similarity of this one to Maria's just above made us want to cue up the theme from Twilight Zone!

Thanks again, Laura, for this fun series.

Click images for larger views.


  1. doo-doo-doo-doo.
    It's all so much fun.

    Margaret Bremner (Enthusiastic Artist) called it Planet Zentangle this morning in her blog. I would say that's right on:)

  2. Yeah! Love the loops to tie up the ends of the braces of IXORUS.
    I think I saw them somewhere else in this challenge – but where???

    Very stunning variations of this tanglation on Planet Zentangle :o) .

  3. Awesome! love the variations!
    Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

  4. Another case of great minds think alike! Working with Ixorus is generating some delightful variations and interpretations. The joy of zentangle unfolds once again with each new tangle and seems to be a never ending adventure!

  5. That is strange how they look so much alike! Usually, it is always so amazing how everyone's look so different. All of them are beautiful! Thanks for the fun new tangle, Rick & Maria!

  6. When I first found you at I fell in love. There is a reason that you are so loved by zentanglers....your work is exquisite! You have a talent for style, contrast, and design. I also love your lettering abilities (callegraphy)!

  7. Lovely pieces!!

    And fun tangle pattern!

  8. Your work is amazing and the similarities, yes... Twilight Zone... or is it dejatangelation??

  9. Giggling at dejatangelation! ;-) Love the tangles here and want to thank you so much for this fun pattern. Whispering: my Zentangle kit arrived today and I am so delighted with it! :-D

  10. I'm giggling at 'dejatangelation' now too...that should be our next challenge LOL. Lovely tiles!

  11. gorgeous work on this complex tangle "ixorus" which looks so good reigning the premier plan(foreground).incredible relation between yours and Carol's tile!

  12. My first thought when I saw ixorus was "squid". So mine, too, will be similar to the others. I start the challenge on Monday, but never quite finish. I plan to finish while I wait for my car to be inspected, etc. at the shop today... Love the wonderful variations people are coming up with. This challenge is a great example to use in classes to challenge new students to take any pattern and change it up, or "tangleate it."

  13. My thoughts on creating this tangle, was really to have you look at the possibilities of variations. We have so many tangles that begin with a "checkerboard" i.e. floorz, Knightsbridge, flukes.....there must be 20! Why not start with this pie shaped grid and see what patterns fit in the in betweed.... look at it as a "secondary string" that you do with your pen, like the checkerboard..... and go tangling...... have fun. M

  14. Always love seeing you come up with yet another tangleation of your own tangle. The inside of your brain must be an incredibly interesting place to live, Maria! Okay... pie strings ...[and she scurries off to the drawing board again]


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