Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Party Time!

We received this email from four friends we've yet to meet. We're sharing it here, with permission (and a few edits). It's so much fun and such a good idea. Enjoy!

Hi Rick and Maria,

We live in California, and had a Zentangle party before Christmas for the "unveiling" of our four-tile Zentangle Ensemble. A few months before we'd made a circle and a few simple lines on an 8" x 8" piece of cardstock, cut it into four squares, then passed them out to four participants to tangle secretly. We all got to see them together finally at the party. The foods & clothing aspired to be "Zentangly".

Black and white bean soups, poured simultaneously into one bowl, then "marbleized" with a chopstick or knife.

We also had a plate of white mozarella balls and black olives, plus other healthy crudites, and bruschetta.

We decorated cupcakes for dessert.

Clothing and tableware was "Zentangly."

The four tiles:

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful day with us and with our Zentangle community!



  1. Yummy. This is so much fun! Combining Zentangle, friends and food art: that's about the most fun I can think of. Your ensemble is beautiful on all levels! I am inspired! (and hungry now!) Thanks for sharing with us.

  2. Your ensemble is beautiful! What a fun way to share an evening with friends.

  3. What fun! Ensembles are always so interesting; even more so when done by different people!

  4. Oh, I Love it! Both the idea and the end results. What a neat Zentangle!

    Now, who do I know that would do this with me?

  5. What a fun time with friends! And I just love that ensemble. Love the artful food, too.

  6. Playing with your food! How fun!
    <3 Terri

  7. I ♥ that ensemble! And it's also great to see I'm not the only person who seeks out 'zentangly' clothing. [grin]


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