Monday, February 28, 2011

Seminar V

Seminar V. Has a nice ring to it.

In each group we find such an amazing array of talented, knowledgeable and passionate tanglers. We stress passionate because there were folks there that created their first Zentangle in our training. How exciting is that . . . that someone would travel great distances, spend precious time and treasure for something they had just caught sight of . . . and just knew they had to learn how to teach. Such is the influence of Zentangle.

Throughout our seminar we were fortunate to have a well-timed break in our winter weather for our new friends from around the world.

We are proud to present to you our new Certified Zentangle Teachers from the "Class of V," held in Whitinsville, Massachusetts in February 2011.

We've updated this page so you can find CZTs in your area.

In the meantime, during the next few blogs, we'll share with you some of the wonderful creations that our new CZTs brought with them.

Please join us in welcoming the fifth class of Certified Zentangle Teachers!

Click image for larger view.


  1. Congratulations to all the new CZTs! I'm sure they had an awesome experience.

  2. Congratulations to Seminar V graduates! And welcome to this group of fabulous CZT's. I hope your love for Zentangle and excitement during your time in Whitinsville helps to continue the Zentangle party around the world.

  3. Welcome everyone! Bet you had a fabulous time (I'm envious). Happy tangling!

  4. Congratulations and welcome to all of the new CZT's! There is nothing like the CZT teacher seminar experience!!!

  5. From a "3" to the "Fives"... Welcome to a great adventure!

  6. I know all of us "V-ers" appreciate the warm welcome offered by the ElderVers....*G* I am delighted to be CZT and plan to be offering classes ASAP; ain't life grand?

  7. Congratulations to all the new CZT V's! And yes, Christina - life Is Grand!! :) xoxo

  8. How exciting! I can't wait until my turn in May. I am so looking forward to it.

  9. Ditto to what Christina said. It was amazing and thanks for the welcome and life is GRAND :-)

    I went to my daughter's art teacher's studio today and worked on a Zentangle while I waited. Got a gig to be a "guest artist" at her studio classes in 3 weeks and to teach a workshop the week after that. Woo hoo! (Had to share that with people who would understand.)

  10. Love your blog....congratulations to the new CZTs!!! I am becoming quite the Z fan!! How does one become a teacher? I am a retired art teacher and would love to know if, when and where I could receive the training!

  11. I had so much fun at the seminar. Everyone was wonderful. I appreciate the hospitality that we got. It was fabulous! If you get a chance to go, you should take advantage. It was an experience I will never forget! I met some forever friends there!

  12. It was fabulous! I am so excited. Thanks for the warm welcomes! Can't wait for my supplies to arrive.


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