Monday, March 7, 2011

CHA Video

When we were out at the Craft & Hobby Association show in Los Angeles, some folks from Scrapbook Dimensions Magazine and Stamp Addict dropped by and asked to do an interview.

There's some talking, a bit of tangle instruction (purk) and a shot of some really cool shoes.


We are working on some new videos and we look forward to sharing them with you soon.



  1. Rick,
    I love what you said about "putting your own mark on your work". As a novice tangler, I find that so incredible that I now have the courage to create small pieces of art as part of other crafting projects. It is so special for me to create a tangle to send to my granddaughter that is my original art. It is something I would never have thought was possible. Thank you both...

  2. I love to watch Maria draw! You make it look so effortless.

  3. Once again ... thank you for sharing. It is interesting to hear you both speak about Zentangle. Cool shoes!

  4. Day one of 'reality' after having just been in (meditation) retreat - and, having just watched your video above, I feel I've been RE'treated'... as in Treated to watching you draw again, Maria!! Thank you both (great to see you two on my screen again, too!). xoxo

  5. Rick & Maria, thanks for your continued efforts at keeping us informed of what is going on in the community around us.
    Deb Phelps Miller, CZT #2,3,mc


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