Friday, April 29, 2011

GEL 2011

We've been busy with our Zentangle presentation at the GEL conference in NYC. We had such a great time we forgot to take pictures until the last minute.

Here's a shot of folks checking out their mosaic at the end of our workshop.

We mounted everyone's tiles for viewing at a get together afterward. We used pins on canvas covered foamcore.

We were one of three morning breakout sessions. The other two were juggling and theater improv. Attendees were encouraged to pick a session that was outside their comfort zone. So we had lots of people attend who otherwise would not have chosen "drawing." This turned out to be a great suggestion because we love presenting Zentangle to people who think they aren't artists or who reluctantly attend. The experience was wonderful for us and our attendees.

While we were around town we grabbed a few tangle sightings. Here's a great aura:

Some W2 from our hotel lobby:

And this view of the elevator light is a good new tangle inspiration:

More later . . .

Click images for larger views.


  1. That's a great display idea - pinning them to canvas covered foam core. I like that!

    And those were done by people who said drawing was outside their comfort zone? Wow! They did some beautiful work. I hope they have some new-found confidence in their abilities (and a new hobby in Zentangles!)

  2. Looks like so much fun. I love being part of those zentangle mosaics! Can't wait to see what you do with that elevator light inspiration.


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