Friday, April 15, 2011


Maria continues to practice her gilding technique.  She has been using Zentangle tiles both for their convenience and because they are made of the same paper she uses for her large scrolls and presentation pieces.

As she was laying down the sizing for this "Z" it smeared. (Notice the bulge to the left towards the bottom of the angled vertical.) She couldn't remove it without ruining the paper. So she went ahead and guilded everything and then she "fixed" it with a banding effect.

Notice how Maria's mooka interacts with this Z by aura-ing in a hollibaugh (always behind) fashion.

We started to wonder about some of those fanciful and unexpected embellishments you see in old manuscripts. Maybe they weren't all that intentional after all. So let's remember to allow for those "oops" and our opportunity to turn them into "oopertunities"!

Click image for larger view.


  1. Maria - I love the letters on the ZT tiles! I've been doing these too. They make a nice personalized greeting card/gift.

  2. Awesome!!!!!!!! The gilding looks amazing with the tangle. Thanks Maria!!! Love the oops!

  3. The list of new words grows: love the "oopertunities". and love the tile. i want to play now:)

  4. Georgious! Just Georgious!


  5. I'm always open to a good OOP-ortunity! *G*

  6. I just fixed a stamping oops on a card. The fix inspired me to use the technique again. If I had not needed a fix, I would not have discovered the new possibilities. There are no mistakes...only new inspiration.

  7. Yet another "happy accident"! I love the new word Rick, and will add oopertunity to my art vocabulary :)


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