Thursday, May 19, 2011

Old Pen = New Pen

We interrupt our current CZT training summaries to share this tile.

We were playing around with this last night. Maria started it, then I added to it, then Maria added more. Back and forth we went with black micron and white Gelly Roll Sakura pens, one atop the other.

Hint #1: Allow ink to dry before drawing on it.

Hint #2: A lighter touch with the white Gelly Roll allows more ink to flow.

Our initial inspiration for this blog post however, is the mooka in this tile's upper left corner. It was drawn from a nearly dry micron 01. It has its own unique effect which is difficult to replicate with a fresh pen. So save those older pens - they can do things that new ones can't.

If you are more organized than we are, you might even identify which ones are older and which ones are newer. But then, you'd miss being surprised by what kind of line came out of your pen!

Click image for larger view.


  1. Very nice effect, especially with the white added. I like the tag team tangling. I will be using this at my kids camp.

    Organized? Is it possible to be organized and artistic?

  2. Too true! I like the surprise of line, but I also like planning....sometimes I'll mark a pen with a small piece of tape, others I keep in a muckle inside a different case. Whatever the mood, consider me well armed! "Have pen, will tangle!"

  3. I like that word, muckle, stART! I also have muckles of pens laying all over the place. I used to mark them with nail polish when they started to go, but that system went by the wayside. A fresh new Micron is a yummy treat, but lots of times I like not knowing what line I will get.

  4. Muckle ~ Start, you need to come up with a tangle for this word ~ I put rubber bands around my muckles of pens but then is it truly a muckle anymore?

  5. "Have pen, will tangle" Chris, is that your quote???Love it....of course it does date us a bit.....nice blog name..... M

  6. Loving the light touching the tangles. Oh gosh, I have a massive muckle of pens, I like to think they still have a little life left.

  7. I just noticed Rick's 'chop' is made with the Gelly Roll. I like it!


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