Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Place Setting

. . . for a pattern feast!

When we were in NYC for GEL, food was served with recyclable wooden "silver" ware. Our friend, Iris Chase, CZT, began to recycle her spoon (during one of the lectures) with knightsbridge and Maria finished it. The fork and knife remain to be tangled.

This setting's plate is a blue willow pattern which contains a wealth of tangles.

We only use cloth napkins at our home. When a bed sheet gets old and becomes torn, Maria rips it into squares and frays the edges. They become a great surface to tangle . . . here,  an "R" with mooka.

With everything on a William Morris placemat . . . Bon appétit!

Click images for larger view.


  1. What a great idea for napkins! This post gives a whole new meaning to 'playing with your food!' =)

  2. Eating and tangling are both very nourishing, especially when you put them together!!

  3. Marvelous creativity and great recycle.

  4. We have about 200 of these napkins....some dinner size, some cocktail size. We use them for everything...and the soft, slightly tattered look makes people more comfortable about actually using them with opposed to the ones you get in restaurants, that couldn't absorb a drop of wine on a good day! They are used once then tossed in the wash, to accompany any white you ay have. I made a set for Molly and Nick when they got married and put a different word of life on each one......"dance" "compliment" , "sing", "enjoy".....etc.

    Let's all start a movement of never using paper napkins ever again! How cool would that be.....

  5. They're beautiful! Do you use regular Microns with these? Or another more wash fast pen?

  6. I used a Sakura Pigma Graphic 1 , and it washed well. There are other fabric pens, but I don't use them....because I guess, It's easier to use the pen that's on my kitchen table.....m

  7. Thanks for the tips on such classy recycling!

  8. Such a welcoming place setting! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I Finally got around to trying this. I put a picture up on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration!


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