Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Welcome CZT Class of #6

We are thrilled and excited to welcome and introduce our Certified Zentangle Teachers from our sixth CZT seminar.

This is always such a high for us. We meet wonderful people and begin life-long friendships. We watch people from all over this planet (South Africa, Australia, England, Canada, USA) make connections and friendships. We get to hear others' stories. We learn how Zentangle has powerfully impacted lives. It's thrilling, exciting and humbling all at once.

We'll be sharing some great images and moments from seminar in these next couple days.

In the meantime, thank you for your understanding for our reduced blog posts and slower email responses during our seminar preparation and as we rest and catch up.

More soon!

Click image for a wonderful larger view!


  1. WELCOME to all our new CZT's!! Last group @ Oakhurst. I know it's a sad moment, but I'm sure there will be blessings, too!
    maggiekat, CZT 4

  2. So wonderful to see the group!

  3. What a beautiful happy group! Congrats to all of you. Looking forward to seeing photos of the seminar and hearing tales from my friends who attended!

  4. I'm eagerly awaiting the new tangles and ideas that I know will come bursting forth from this group!

  5. I had such a wonderful time this last weekend and so proud to be able to put CZT behind my name.
    I met amazing and gifted people this weekend. It was a lot of fun.
    Thank you so much Maria and Rick for sharing your talent and generous spirit.
    Grace Mendez,CZT

  6. Congratulations and welcome to all new CZTs!

  7. Beautiful group of CZT's! Warm welcome to all of you.

  8. Welcome all CZT-6-ers. I know you had a wonderful time at Oakhurst, because it has been just a few months since I was there. Ellen CZT 5

  9. Look at all those beautiful happy faces ... well done to everyone and welcome to the world of CZT's - surely a great place to be!

  10. YAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!
    (Cool, my word verification is "whirr" :-)

  11. Hip Pip hurray!! Congratulations to you all!

  12. What a gorgeous photograph!

    Hey there, Gillian, I see you!! xoxo (We can't wait 'til you come home and show us that gorgeous CZT#6 ensemble. Such a treat that it's coming all the way back here to Tasmania.)

    How wonderful it is that people are coming to Zentangle from all over this little planet of ours! We have a truly global family, don't we? It reminds me of that saying we have here about our little island under Australia: "Tasmania : isolated, not isolating" -- 'cause there is *nothing* on this earth that can isolate us from our tangle sisters and brothers.

    I truly treasure the Love and Inclusion in Zentangle (that's down to you, Rick & Maria: your loving nature and open heartedness that permeates this art and our community). It's like a little bit of heaven to be privileged enough to belong with you - with All of you... such Beautiful People!

  13. Hi. Do you have any plans of conducting this course in India in near future.

  14. Thank you all so very much for the warm welcomes! We had a wonderful group and I am so happy to be a part of it and the whole Zentangle Community. A special thank you to Rick and Maria (you are both so very warm and gracious)and also to your lovely daughters and the whole Zentangle staff...everyone was so helpful, kind and generous. I am so proud to be a CZT. Again, thank you! :)
    Cheryl Cianci, CZT


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