Friday, July 22, 2011

Back to "Work"

Molly, Nick, Indy and Mazzy just went home. We've been basking in having them stay with us these past few days.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with our being slightly off-line this past week. Now we'll get back to "work" answering our emails, returning calls and such.

We put "work" in quotes because that word too often refers to activities done reluctantly. Words cannot describe how much we love exploring and sharing all that Zentangle's method and artwork offers; and then seeing what is reflected in others' Zentangle inspired creations. On top of that, we get to meet wonderful people and develop wonderful friendships.

Here's a black Zentangle tile that Molly created yesterday:

These new black tiles, along with their white pens and pencils are currently only available from our CZTs. We'll offer our new tiles online as soon as our website upgrade is complete.

Alrighty then . . . back to "work"!

Click image for larger view.


  1. It's so great that you were able to spend that time with your family. Those connections seem to be the fuel that extends outward to the rest of the world. Thanks for sharing with us. And Molly, beautiful work (on everything!!).

  2. Congratulations again on that new grandchild! And, wow! The black tiles/white ink and pencil really GLOW! Beautiful.

  3. In Hawaiian the word for work is hana. It also means to create. Thank you Molly for your many creations. Hana hou (encore,do it again)


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