Monday, July 11, 2011

Hot Tangles

CZT, Suzanne Wilka writes,
Hi Rick and Maria,

Maria - nice to speak ever so briefly with you on the phone this morning.  Since I mentioned the woodburned tiles - thought I'd send along photos of a few of them.  These were completed for an exchange for an online Woodburning group.  It was a fun way to introduce them to Zentangle.  These tiles are 4" x 4" basswood.  Fun to do and I'll be doing more - and maybe teaching it just need to round up enough woodburning units for class!

The new items are a hit - plenty of my students are requesting them - hence the second order.

Thanks again
Suzanne Wilka

Thank you so much for sharing those with us, Suzanne!

Click images for larger views.


  1. Suzanne, these woodburned tiles are stunning! I've never been able to have much control with a woodburning tool, so I am in awe of what you achieved! Thank you for sharing these.
    Amy in TN

  2. These tiles are really gorgeous. Loved seeing them! Another new hobby in my already cluttered home?.........

  3. This is fantastic! Just the thing for the treasure boxes my husband is making for our granddaughters. This will be the perfect Zentangle touch.

  4. These are lovely!! What a great idea! And I am with Granbeads...I want to do this...and I need another project like a hole in the head!!!

  5. Suzanne, I love your all your woodburned tiles and most of all the first one. Beautiful!

  6. Suzanne, Your tiles are awesome. It amazes me how many ways we can use the Zentangle process. There are no limits to the possibilities.

  7. Suzanne, the details in these tiles are amazing. I'm sure a class in this technique of Zentangle-inspired art would be a hit. Hope you share more of your wood creations.

  8. Wow Suzanne, with your concentration and artistic flair you have created special pieces of art.


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