Monday, August 8, 2011

So . . .

So many possibilities . . .

So few words necessary.

Click images for larger views.


  1. Love the frames! I actually picked up a small, unpainted wood frame from a local craft shop to zentangle I have some ideas of what to do!!

  2. That's what I love about the Zentangle process ~ there are no limits ~ to the possibilities

  3. These remind me so much of the antique photo albums with the cut outs you inserted pictures in. Many of them had printed designs around the openings, but no where as unique as these.

  4. these are amazingly beautiful and so inspiring!!!

  5. Absolutely love these! Did you start with a string?

  6. I USED THE CAP FROM MY JAR OF CAYENNE PEPPER ON THE TABLE (I PUT IT IN MY MORNING COFFEE!) TO DRAW THE CIRCLE. THE OTHERS, YOU MAY SEE ARE FREEHAND. So the shapes are the string, drawn in pencil. The ovals, again, were the cover of something...I traced on the tile. What a fun project. I can see I will do many more. And you can use little cuts of photos where one person looks fabulous, and the others, not so.... m

  7. Great! Just great! When a local scrapbook store closed :( I bought their supply of white fabric-ish frames for the purpose of gifts. The first one I did, I kept. With the "borders" post(s) below, I have more inspiration to tangle, to play with non-border tangles.


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