Friday, October 28, 2011

Take a chance!

Our friend and passionate tangler, Margaret Bremner, CZT, is celebrating her blog's one year anniversary with a wonderful act of generosity. (See this blog entry for details.)
 Credit: Margaret Bremner
In the midst of so much daily Zentangle info, we want to bring this opportunity to your attention and to give a hearty "Happy Anniversary!" shout out to Margaret.

Margaret has been so generous with her time and talents through her words and her precious Zentangle creations in her blog posts. She carefully acknowledges the names of all tangles and describes in detail her step-by-steps. She takes the time to share really wonderful tidbits and snippets of interesting things she has come across (that may not, at first glance have anything to do with Zentangle), and she sets a tone of artist and teacher in a relaxed and intimate manner.

Here's to Margaret!

Click here to take a chance at some beautiful Zentangle creations.


  1. Congrats on your anniversary, Margaret. You are an inspiration, Zentangle and otherwise! Thank you!

  2. Yay Margaret! Cheers and here's to many more ...

  3. I've often wondered about adding color to Zentangles. This is great inspitation!!

  4. Margaret ~ you are a Whisper of Aloha ~ Thank you for all that you do

  5. Congrats Margaret. Your work is an inspiration!


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