Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Puzzle

Here's a larger image of a Puzzle Christmas Card that we described in this newsletter.

Why is this a Christmas card?

We invite you to post your answers and comments below.  (But if you've already seen this and know the answer . . . "Shhh!")

As we said in our newsletter,
. . . We are so grateful that you are part of our Zentangle community. Thank you for your purchases. Thank you for sharing your Zentangle enthusiasm and creations with us and with others. And for all of you whom we've had the pleasure to meet, thank you for your friendship.
We look forward to sharing a wonderful 2012 with you all!

Click image for clearer view of puzzle.


  1. I think it Noel (No L).

    Lovely card.

  2. Beautiful card! Yes, "no L" or "noel"

    Happy holidays!

  3. L is for Light...which the stars shine ever so brightly. Let the light of our Lord shine on you this Christmas Season.

  4. There is no L. I love the idea for noel. I wonder how many miss it.
    Merry Christmas to all!

  5. I thought the same thing: No "L"
    It is beautiful!

  6. After looking it over twice I decided the star was for Light - thus the missing L.

  7. now that I've read some other comments I think I'm wrong - Noel is probably the answer.

  8. LOVE IT!

    The best to you both and all your helpers! Everyone I made a special card for loved it as I am sure those who received this one from you did too! You are so very clever :)

  9. At first, I thought maybe the image might be something in the "mirror" image. But I love the answers given here. What a concept. Rick and Maria, you two are so clever. Thank you so much for the gift of Zentangle. I look forward to a rewarding year sharing the craft. May your new year be a blessing to you a hundred fold!

  10. I love Emily's answer

    emily meyers said...
    L is for Light...which the stars shine ever so brightly. Let the light of our Lord shine on you this Christmas Season.

  11. I LOVE looking thru Letter forms like this to see the different letters and how they were used. When I got to where the "L" was supposed to be and saw the Star, my brain said, ummm, no L! Then my brain and eyes and remembering thingy kicked in and came up with,
    "ah ha, no L = NOEL!"
    How clever!
    Thanks you guys. Merry Christmas! The first Noel, the angels did say...

  12. Why, there is no "L" in the puzzle, as in NOEL. Thanks - and happy holidays to you all as well.

    Nancy Cornett

  13. Since you said this is an older one of your annual cards, it might be The First No-L. Thanks for the gift of zentangle. It has brought me many hours of pleasure.

  14. No "L"!! My granddaughter, Noelle, will love this!

  15. Noel, Noel -- follow the Star.

  16. That was the first thing I noticed! Oops, I thought. No L.
    :D Wonderful!

  17. Zentanglers are also apparently good at puzzles! No L to you as well!

    Is it simply artistic license that the letters are larger at the top and seem to get smaller?

    I learned calligraphy many many years ago and have imagined creating a zentangle alphabet. Thanks for sharing this lovely piece . . . I'm inspired!

  18. "Noel". :) Beautiful card!!

    Merry Christmas to you, too!

  19. No L: Noel?
    Buon Natale from Italy!

  20. Yep and the clue is the star is in the L position.

  21. Well, I totally didn't get it! I printed it out and turned it upside down and went through all kinds of contortions! I thought the "D' and the "K" were missing. I thought the leg of the K was an "L" When I turned it upside down, I saw the "K" in the area where the "i" and "J" are and the small "d" in the upside down "O"! Well, I am just starting tangles, but I guess that is no excuse?? I didn't even question the fact that an alphabet card was a Christmas card??!! Okay maybe it is the codeine cough syrup I am on???

  22. Oh, that was an easy one for me. I reay ove the card; it is beautifu. Zentange has brought me much peace in my ife. Namaste. Merry Christmas and a happy, creative, heathy new year. No L to you, too.

  23. No "L" - aren't you clever? Noel

  24. Well, I am not very good at puzzles - I kept saying where is the L and then I started thinking maybe it was replaced by the LIGHT of the world!

  25. I was looking for the absence of an "L", but to me the side part of the "K", after being read as a "K", also looked like an "L"!

  26. No L!

    I would like to send you a jpg of my Christmas card made using Zentangles. How do I do so?

  27. Hi Artfromtheheart,

    Send it to:

    Best from us both,


  28. No l Should have checked email earlier! Been cooking all day!

  29. It is a no 'L' card - love it. Thanks for sharing !


  30. OK....but how does No L (Noel) fit in with the back of the card (LOL) reference and the "crescent moon" reference?

  31. No "L" or Noel, very clever!

  32. No "L"= Noel.
    this is a very clever card with the
    golden star in place of the "L"
    Merry Christmas!

  33. Thanks for posting your lovely Christmas card!
    NOEL to you both!

    My New Year's resolution is to get tangling! I recently took a second class with Wendy Brown, CZT and had a very enjoyable time.
    I must immerse myself in this wonderful art more in the coming year!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

  34. Glorious! Happy Christmas Rick and Maria, thank you for a memorable year. Hugs to you both!

  35. Hah! No-L. Very clever and very beautiful. Happy Christmas and thank you for a gift that lasts all year long.

  36. Wonderful - No L - love it!
    Sandra ltb

  37. There is no "l" where there is light. "L" being a place. Lots of meanings depending upon your personal beliefs. And all of them are beautiful.

  38. There is no L in the Alphabet So the Christmas greeting must me NOEL
    from: Maxine Erickson

  39. I saw there was no L but didn't realize NOEL until I
    read the other posts. Very unique and wonderful!

  40. Noel...just wanted to solve the puzzle in simple! ;0)

  41. I saw that the L was missing too but too brain fogged to work out such a simple solution. LOL
    Merry Christmas Rick, Maria and all the other tanglers out there that have inspired me this year.

  42. No L - A no L card - - - I love it! Happy and Blessed Holiday season to you, Rick and Maria, and to all at Zetangle.


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