Thursday, December 15, 2011

Move over Elf!

Maria writes:

You may have heard about the "Elf on the Shelf" tradition that's all the rage with kids this holiday season. It is a book and a small elf toy that you put in a different place each night for kids to find in the morning. Sounds like fun. But those of you who don't have kids (or if you want to play with this idea year 'round) . . . here's something else you can do.

For many years my lot in life has been to tangle Zentangle art and tiles in really unorthodox places. I have tangled on floors, pillows, lamps, napkins, clothing, shoes, purses, porch pillars, windows, eggs, dishes, kitchen items, lamp shades, vases, seat cushions, bathroom walls, mat boards, bulletin boards, stationery, paintings, finger nails, tattoos (fake and real!), Christmas cards, Christmas ornaments, mobiles, tongue depressors, ties, pies, table tops, sidewalks, beach sand, clip boards, Easter eggs, body art, motorcycle helmets, name tags, a car(!), a podium, napkins, place cards, bowling pins, flags, murals, bug illustrations, teapots, my medicine cabinet, frames, illuminated letters, a footstool and bed posts. I have covered spots on clothing, hidden holes in plaster walls and repaired a dent in our car's fender. And the list goes on, I am sure. Is there any other art form so versatile?

So, intrepid Tanglers, here is my challenge to you . . . draw a Zentangle somewhere that challenges your sense of "Oh, my goodness, I couldn't possibly do that!"

I have to say when you do something that is against the rules . . . sometimes it just feels good to be just a little "naughty AND nice"!

If you can't think of something, the first and easiest one to try is:

Trace a Zentangle tile on your wall in pencil. It could be a white wall but that's not necessary. Trace it so that a little corner of it seems tucked into the door frame or wall moulding. Use your 01 Pigma™ micron to tangle and a HARD pencil to shade (so it won't smudge off so easily). Shade a bit around the tile itself on 2 sides (right and bottom, usually), so that it appears to be a real tile. Don't do this if you are apt to wash your walls (I don't). But I gotta say, I have some that have been there for many years and still to this day, they bring a smile to me each time I walk by . . .like "you go girl" type stuff.

Sometimes I'll draw a Zentangle tile somewhere in the house and wait to see how long it takes for someone to discover it! (My idea of a good time! LOL.) And, it doesn't cost anything, because most of us already have the supplies on the shelf.

Have yourself a Merry little Christmas . . . or whatever you and your family celebrate. And bring a simple smile to yourself and others . . . maybe everyday.

Click images for larger views.


  1. wall switchplate cover? Awesome! now, off to look at the

  2. I did 3 switchplates in my house!!!

  3. Maria, ever since I saw your trompe l'oeil tangles, I've been wanting to do a few in my house. Must get to it!

  4. The wall tile is beautiful. What I really want to know more about is the switchplate cover? ;-))

  5. Maria, I loved seeing these at your house! I have tiles all over my house, but need to do one on the wall. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. The switchplate comver made my Day! Great post Maria! Your home is pure magic.

  7. OK, Girls.......the switchplate was a gift from my old friend (we met in kindergarten!) Jelly Bean,(Joan Klebart) who also happens to be a CZT. So I guess you will have to ask her where she found David......Never fails to bring a grin. Maria


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