Friday, January 27, 2012

It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Ever get one of those ideas that seems like a good idea at the time, but when you try it on, you're left with "What were we thinking?"

We had this great idea for a blog (we thought). We took lots of pictures. But, it just didn't work.

However, we really loved Maria's Zentangle that she created for the blog. That was a keeper and definitely worth sharing.

This tile uses lots of Nzeppel. See how to do it here and here.

Have a great weekend!

Click image for a larger view.


  1. Ohh, the mystery and hidden secrets, it's like peering into a cave of precious gems.

  2. It's so nice, I can't keep my eyes of it! There is so much depth, job well done!

  3. This Zentangle is just BURSTING! Love it.

  4. Soooo beautiful. I recognize the Nzeppel, Hollibaugh, Purk, Puf (I think), but what's the pattern in the bottom middle. It's probably a variation on something familiar, but I can't figure it out.

  5. Thanx to share with is this great ideas.I really impress by this blog.This picture look so gorgeous and beautiful.It look conjusted but beautiful.


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